The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Empowering Go-Getters on Their Journey to Greatness
The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Empowering Go-Getters on Their Journey to Greatness
Consultant, Author, & Speaker Christie Lindor
Kicking Off The Welcome Back To Campus Series
22 minutes Posted Sep 8, 2017 at 3:22 am.
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Special edition of The MECE Muse Unplugged to kick off September’s Welcome Back to Campus Series,  an episode designed to provide college students an orientation to the podcast show.
Christie shares highlights of upcoming episodes for the next month, all covering topics undergraduate or graduate college students interested in consulting would find valuable. Episode topics include interview case preparation, from internships to a full-time consulting offer, mindset of a recruiter, and college admissions coaching services.

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This episode is special. I’m going to dub it my Welcome Back to Campus Series. We’re going to highlight specific shows and talk about topics that are helpful for all of my undergrad and graduate go- getters out there. For all of my go-getters that are in school, you may have been coming back from your vacations, internships, maybe hung out at home during all summer, why don’t you get up to speed with our podcast show? I wanted to make sure that you are aware of this invaluable resource that was created. 
I created the podcast show specifically with all of my college go-getters in mind, thinking about going into consulting, and trying to figure out what that specifically means. I talk a lot on the show to people that are new to consulting, that are starting their career, or experienced hires wanting to go back into a different career and that’s consulting either as a freelancer or joining a firm. I cover a lot of different targeted listeners. For this episode is focused on my college go-getter, give you an orientation to what we’re doing here, and how you can get connected. I’m going to highlight three things. One, is to get you acclimated with a couple of episodes. You should it check out while you are getting acclimated to what we are offering. Two, I wanted to discuss the MECE Mentoring Moment. That was a new segment that we introduced in the show. Three, I wanted it to preview what’s to come. We’ve got five episodes that are on their way. I’ll talk about the first three.
 Let’s get started with getting acclimated to this show. If this is your first time listening, I highly suggest you check out episode one. I laid out the framework and the foundation of my story in consulting and what got me started on this path. I then shared a little bit about what I call the MECE Muse story. I shared that in episode two. Episodes one and two were a ground-setting context information to share. You can go from there and fast forward. 
If you want to get CliffsNotes of all the episodes I’ve done to date, I highly recommend you check out episode ten. In episode ten, I highlight all the episodes we’ve done and previewed a couple that we were going to be doing. For our first set of episodes to kick off the back to school campus, there are two of them we’ve already done. I’m going to highlight episode six where we got a chance to connect with Xuan. She is a recent PhD student, has just graduated, and looking to get into consulting. She shared a little bit of her journey.
“If understood it correctly, we all share some basic proficiency in terms of being able to structure a problem, being able to solve it, but what truly takes candidate from good to outstanding is the ability to be innovative,