The Mamahood Podcast
The Mamahood Podcast
Droubay Media
Episode 32: Establishing your Family Culture, and Your Value as a Homemaker!
39 minutes Posted Nov 15, 2019 at 9:27 pm.
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Today’s episode is SUUUUCH a good one. We are joined by one of our favorite people in the world- Kendra Hennessy! She is the creator of Mother Like a Boss- a business and podcast centered around helping moms find joy in being a homemaker, and take control of their motherhood.

We will be chatting all about homemaking today, and how it is such an important role- even if today’s society tells us otherwise. We will talk about how to LOVE our role as home makers and use it to establish our family culture!

Today’s episode is seriously fascinating, and insightful. We hope you enjoy!

You can find Kendra at

Insta: @motherlikeaboss and

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Insta: @the:mamahood


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