Some days it just feels like the colours of life are fading away and life is getting monotonous. Our creative self is on the backseat and we feel an unusual emptiness. But there’s always a solution to things. In this episode I hope to bring value to my lovely audience. I hope that everything I say in here will help u in some way. 🥰 Enjoy yourself and let me know if u have any other suggestions!!
Feb 28, 2021
9 min

Hi everyone 😉. Often at times we hold toxic beliefs inside of us without even knowing. These are known as limiting belief. They are not just beliefs but also affect our level of action we take towards a certain thing in our life. In this episode I dive down the surface to uncover where they come from, how to accept and improve and live a life true to yourself. This is one of the topics which can change your life since our beliefs shape our thoughts, 💭thoughts to actions and actions into results. Nothing we desire is impossible. We all hold the unlimited potential and power. All we need is to 🔓unlock it.
Jan 15, 2021
10 min

Happy new year everybody!!! 🎉😍 I love the new year hype and the process of setting up goals and resolutions. But if I be brutally honest, they kinda get into the backseat after two or three months. Let’s not do the same this year. 2020 was definitely a tough year but we have another page of a 365 page book 📒waiting to be written. And in this book make sure that each day matters. In this episode I dive into how we can set goals and actually achieve them. Nothing is out of reach. And u have the ultimate potential to achieve all u want. Thanks for joining me in. Hope you will enjoy!!😉
Dec 30, 2020
10 min

Reflecting is one of the most underrated activity. But sometimes it is necessary to take a break and look back. When your destination seems overwhelmingly far, do have a look on how long have u come. Join me for this chilled reflecting session. Often 2020 with the pandemic looks a bit dull and it feels like maybe it was a waste. But that might not be the case. Maybe hearing me out will help you to appreciate even your small wins. Not every year is supposed to be full of events and successes, some years are also a reminder for slowing down and giving yourself a much needed detox. Here are the links of my book ‘Travelling Alone’ - https://www.amazon.in/dp/1545751714/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_hMI4Fb41P500Q Flipkart- https://dl.flipkart.com/dl/travelling-alone/p/itm79b52d2d1563f?pid=9781545751718&cmpid=product.share.pp It would seriously mean a lot 🥰 if u read it and let me know ur feedback.
Dec 22, 2020
10 min

“You cannot compare the sun and the moon because they both shine at their own times.” Often at times we compare ourselves and our lives to others. We tend to get sad, dejected and worthless. But the truth is, each one of us is unique. The idea behind is that no matter what but we all shine in our own unique way. This episode where I help you all to find out where we all lack and how we can minimise the habit of comparison. From a perspective of a 15 year old girl, filled with her advices and experiences trying to make the listeners feel at ease and make them realise the magic they possess. Thanks for stopping by. Really means the world to me. ☺️😍
Nov 28, 2020
13 min

There are days when we hit the bottom rock and it feels like nothing goes our way. There are days when we feel broken and don’t know what to do. There are days when we feel something’s wrong but don’t know what. And this eventually drains our energy leaving us exhausted, sad and unsatisfied. But there’s always a silver lining behind every dark cloud. You are so much stronger than what you think. In this episode we will talk about how a change in perspective can change our day. Understanding the importance of bad days in life and the art of thriving amidst them.We will have a look on few practical ways to help ourselves handle them better. And I promise this episode will make you feel better. You are not alone. You are worthy of everything and capable of handling whatever life throws your way. We all possess magic inside us. Let’s not hide it ‘coz the world needs it.
Nov 7, 2020
10 min