THE LUKE PODCAST: If you want to start a business but don’t know how to begin Podcast

THE LUKE PODCAST: If you want to start a business but don’t know how to begin

Arthur Luke: Blogger, Branding Expert and Entrepreneur
Serial entrepreneur, branding expert and blogger with over 35 years experience in helping some or the worlds biggest brands as well as smallest startups to find success. Arthur Luke shares his incredible knowledge and experience so you can avoid those costly mistakes that can so easily kill off your dream of starting your own business before it even begins. Arthur shares real world actionable insights, tips and startup strategies as well as step-by-step tutorials on how to make your idea for a new business a reality.
Luke 007: Confessions of a (poo)preneur
In this episode I explain how to test your new idea for a business or a product without spending money.
Oct 5, 2016
10 min
Luke 006:  How To Do More With Less
In this episode I tell you how you can do more with less and 12 steps to starting your new business lean and mean.
Mar 14, 2016
8 min
Luke 005  Warning - Enthusiasm Can Be Dangerous
In this episode I explain 11 ways to stop enthusiasm stopping you from succeeding as an entrepreneur.
Feb 22, 2016
10 min
Luke 004:  When One Life Is Not Enough - Starting Your Own Business
In this episode of the LUKE podcast I thought I would tell you a rather unusual story from the past. It's about business, imagination and a touch of madness and it shows just how you don't know what you are capable of until you try.
Feb 8, 2016
8 min
Luke 003:  Where To Begin - Starting Your New Business
In this episode I talk about ‘How to begin’ starting your own business. When I started my first business I had no idea what I was doing. In fact I was not even aware I was starting a business I was just playing around with something I enjoyed doing at the weekends. I was an accidental entrepreneur...
Jan 25, 2016
11 min
Luke 002:  When And When Not To Tell Others About Your New Idea
In this session of The Luke Podcast, I talk about why telling friends and family about your new idea can destroy it and what can you do to protect it?
Jan 17, 2016
11 min
Luke 001:  You're Never Too Young, Too Old Or Too Late To Start Your Own Business
In this introductory first session of the Luke Podcast, I talk about why you should start your own business whatever your age.
Jan 5, 2016
7 min