The Love You Want, It Starts With You! Podcast

The Love You Want, It Starts With You!

Anne Hellgren
The mission of The Love You Want podcast is to create a space where you can learn how to empower yourselves in your relationships. While the focus is mostly on romantic relationships, we also discuss relationships with your family and children as they have a profound effect on your romantic life. We cover topics around how to gain self-worth, self-clarity, great communication skills, and an empowered mindset. This show will give you the knowledge and tools to help you attract and maintain the kind of relationship you truly desire and deserve! Connect with Anne at
Episode 81: Overcoming Cultural Programming to Empower Yourself with Shreya Parekh
I'm joined by Shreya Parekh, host of the EmpowerHer Podcast and inspirational woman who is giving women a platform to share their stories to help empower other women into their highest selves through their stories.  “Evaluate what cultural programming you have and notice if it’s serving your authentic self and values. Keep those that are, and change those that aren’t. It may not be easy, but well worth it if you’re seeking true happiness.” Anne Hellgren Shreya and I discuss our shared stories of the complexities around being a strong and outspoken woman in cultures that look down on that. She has accomplished more in her life and education than was expected of her, especially being brought up in an Asian society by a single mum. She also shares views around how the Asian culture she grew up in had racist and sexist views and how she navigated around that, given it was so far removed from her own values and beliefs.  We also talk about how our health and relationships affect all other areas of our lives! This was a significant lesson that we learned through the pandemic, and I believe the lessons should continue to be applied.  This podcast is for people who are looking to empower themselves as a whole- from a spiritual, health, and relationship aspect. You will learn that once you have worked on these areas- all other areas of your life start to improve- including your financial growth. If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast?  If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey. As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  With love, xx Connect with Shreya Parekh: EmpowHER Apple EmpowHER Spotify Instagram  LinkedIn Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree - 
Jan 11
43 min
Episode 80: When is Enough Enough?
Our programming has a huge effect on how we allow others to treat us. This is why we make different decisions on what we allow or don’t allow in our relationships. However, as a general rule, there are some things that can be very clear signs that the relationship isn’t working and it’s time to either get help or move on.  “Learn to trust your intuition when you feel like ‘enough is enough.’ And remember, you don’t need to justify your decisions to anyone outside that relationship. Your enough may not be their enough- but it is yours and that’s what counts at the end of day.” - Anne Hellgren Here are some red flags to look out for: Loss of Self Disrespect  Unhappiness and neglect  Repeated apologies without change Feeling constantly depleted and/or sad I have said this again and again, but please dear listener, if you find yourself in this position, reach out for help. I welcome you to ask yourself, how much longer are you willing to live like that? What are you losing now and in your future by staying there? What life could you be living instead?  If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me a favour? Could you please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW it? As always, I’m happy to help and you can reach out to  [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners! With love, xx Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree -
Jan 4
24 min
Episode 79: The Power Of Forgiveness
In todays divided and divisive society where people are so quick to pass judgment on to others, it’s important to talk about forgiveness when we feel we’ve been wronged. I see forgiveness as a conscious effort to let go of feeling anger, hurt, and other negative emotions that have held you back from progressing the way you desire. “If your lack of forgiveness is crippling your soul and spirit, be assured that it’s also affecting you physically in the long term. Sometimes we need to find forgiveness towards those who hurt us, so we can stop hurting ourselves with past events that we cannot change.” - Anne Hellgren In this episode, I encourage people to think about the following: What does it mean to forgive? When we forgive others for our own sake and healing. The benefits of forgiveness. How your lack of forgiveness and anger can be poisoning your spirit.  Forgiving yourself and having self-grace for yourself. I really think a lot of people need to hear this message to start on their own healing journey around forgiving those who have wronged them. I promise you, building a forgiving spirit can be one of the best gifts you give yourself! So please share this episode and help create a more compassionate and loving effect that is much needed today!  If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me a favor? Could you please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW it? As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  With love, xx Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree -
Dec 28, 2023
23 min
Episode 78: Dealing With Finances in a Relationship
A much-contested and very interesting topic when debated from the perspective of 5 women from different cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds! “I think if people had a very honest conversation about financial expectations of each other before getting married or cohabiting, it would save them both a lot of heartache and stress.” - Anne Hellgren This episode is taken from a new and exciting podcast series I created with 4 other coaches called “Relationship Secrets Unlocked.” Join Julie Fitzpatrick, Claire Auchmuty, Ksenia Droben, Gazala Saleem, and me as we discuss how money affects relationships! This is what makes this episode about money such a dynamic and insightful conversation as we explore how our identity created from our programming affects how we see finances in our relationships.   Be ready for an episode that keeps it real and be warned that it may ruffle some feathers as there are some unexpected and/or shocking views shared! “Relationship Secrets Unlocked" is a uniquely enriching podcast series that presents a holistic view of relationships from an international and culturally diverse perspective. With an expert panel of five relationship coaches hailing from diverse cultural, religious, and professional backgrounds, the series aims to educate listeners about the complexities of human relationships and how to navigate them effectively. As always, if you would like to reach out for a complimentary discovery call, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  If You enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast!  Know anyone else who would enjoy this episode? Please SHARE it!  With love, xx Connect with Anne Hellgren: Instagram Website LinkedIn Facebook Email:[email protected]
Dec 21, 2023
39 min
Episode 77: Protect Your Peace & Pick Peace Over Drama
You will never bloom into your full potential while planted in polluted or toxic soil! “We need to consciously and actively make choices about what we are removing and what we are allowing into our lives. I want to remind you that YOU have power over the level of peace you experience- so make choices that birth peace, not drama.” Anne Hellgren We rarely need to look hard to find things and people that are readily and keen to steal our peace. Sometimes it’s not even done consciously but by the content we consume on TV, social media, news etc. What we fail to notice is how these constant negative or divisive messages affect us. And sometimes it’s a completely intentional attempt to steal our peace from people who thrive in drama. Either way, I encourage you to enter a season and lifetime of a peaceful attitude and spirit.  Getting the right kind of people into your life will be a game changer for you in all areas of your life. You cannot thrive in an environment that distracts you with negativity. Or gets you to focus on non-sense issues, while the things that really matter to you fall off your schedule or priority.  Listen in to this episode to understand how you can get the following: Emotional detachment  Psychological detachment  Physical detachment Improved communication How your own behaviour is changed by constant and intense toxic environments How your own mindset if affected by toxic people or things I really think a lot of people need to hear this message to start on their journey of living a peaceful life! You will never bloom into your full potential while planted in polluted or toxic soil! Remember- it’s a choice you make, so make the choice to protect your peace! If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me a favor? Could you please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW it? As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  With love, xx Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree
Dec 14, 2023
23 min
Episode 76: Seeking Clarity: The Path to Self-Awareness
I am joined by Vipoola Devani, a Conscious Relationship Consultant and  Self-awareness Advocate. Vipoola and I discuss what it means to be self-aware and how we can increase our self-awareness so we attain the things that matter to us in all areas of our lives. We also share our journeys on self-awareness, the hardships, and good, and the consequences of not having self-awareness at certain times of our lives. “Self-awareness is not a destination we get to. It is a journey and a process that never really stops- and there is great beauty in that!” Anne Hellgren You will be taken into a deep but very inspiring conversation about why it’s important to embark on our journeys of knowing who we truly are, authentically, and what we are called to do with our lives. Also, we discuss what happens when we go through life ignoring our true selves in exchange for what others call us to be or do. To live a fulfilled life, the one meant for you and only you, I believe it’s essential that we stop listening to all the outside noises from our cultures, religions, society, and upbrings - that do not serve us. Instead, take what serves you from your programming and upbringing, then incorporate new ideologies that serve your higher authentic self more appropriately! If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast?  If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey. As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  With love, xx Connect with Vipoola Devani: Website Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree
Dec 7, 2023
34 min
Episode 75: What is Love?
In this episode from the Art Of Connection series, created with Alexander McDonell and me, we explore what the true meaning of love is. Alexander and I have very different backgrounds but our shared connection of a higher being and spiritual connection inspires a very interesting conversation on what love is. “In our journey of self-love, I believe it’s important to accept our flaws and mistakes as part of our human experience and learn to have more self-grace towards ourselves. For self-love cannot exist without self-grace.” Anne Hellgren  We argue whether love can be found in every aspect of our lives- even in addictions, fears, jealousy, crime, and control. When do we go from a healthy aspect or perception of love to when it turns into something ugly- but still believing it is an act of love? This conversation is very deep and inspirational food for thought! It will challenge your ideas of love and give you different perspectives that are well worth your time, so make sure you listen to the full episode! If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast?  If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey. As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  With love, xx Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree Connect with Alexander McDonell: Website
Nov 30, 2023
29 min
Episode 74: 5 Things That Kill A Relationship
Some obvious things are well known to destroy most relationships, and some less known, or silent killers, of a relationship. In this episode, I want to talk about what we can sometimes overlook as being insignificant but repeated long enough, is sure to kill your relationship.  “Some people will repeatedly hurt or disrespect you, offer apologies, but never change their behaviors. Please see them for who they are - not what you would like them to be.” Anne Hellgren Some of these things can be done consciously or subconsciously but the hurt and distraction will follow. So as you listen in, look out for things that you may be experiencing from your partner, or that you are doing or saying yourself. I cover the following topics in detail and you may be surprised by the insights you receive from this episode, so make sure you listen to the end of this podcast! The green-eyed monster of comparison If you don’t create your boundaries and enforce them, someone else will do it for you! Unhealthy and Unwanted power imbalances can be a ticking time bomb. Over-reliance on your partner is a turn-off on many levels You can only be inauthentically you for so long. Ps. It’s demoralizing and soul-draining. Don’t do it… If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast?  If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey. As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  With love, xx Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree -
Nov 23, 2023
37 min
Episode 73: How Absent Fathers Affect Our Future Relationships with Tyrone Wheeler
I am joined by Tyrone Wheeler, a Relationship Coach who helps men heal their relationships with their dad or their father figures in life. Having gone through a period of being absent from his father for over 35 years after the separation of his parents, he went on to experience various challenges in his life. He was affected by this absent relationship with his father and it went on to affect his own adult relationships and marriage. “A parent’s physical presence doesn’t automatically meet a child's emotional and psychological needs. If you have an unhealthy attachment style, or dysfunctional patterns in your relationships- it would serve you highly to examine how your physical, emotional, and psychological needs were met by your parents or carers as a child.” - Anne Hellgren Only when he did the work on himself, was he able to heal from not just the physical disconnect, but also the emotional disconnect he experienced with his father. This conversation is something that we as a society need to speak more openly about. If we continue to ignore the importance and impact that absent fathers have on their sons- and not just daughters- we create a society that leaves behind a trail of emotionally broken men. Men who have struggled to form and experience healthy and secure attachments in their relationships. And many times this can also carry a lot of resentment, insecurity, detachment, addictions, and anger. Which, dangerously, are not always even at a conscious level.  Please share this episode with other people in your life. You may be surprised how many people suffer in silence as they struggle to admit that an absent father or father figure has significantly had an impact on them!  As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  If you enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast!  With love, Anne  xx Connect with Tyrone Wheeler: LinkedIn  Website Instagram Facebook Podcast Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree
Nov 16, 2023
30 min
Episode 72: The Influence of Self-Talk in Attracting the Love You Want
I am joined by Stuart Wade, a clinical hypnotherapist and sports performance mind coach. As an athlete and a person who has always been interested in how the mind works, this led him to pursue a degree in sports science which includes sports psychology. “Be responsible for your happiness, your emotions, and your thoughts. Have some self-love and self-grace towards yourself, just the way you'd have to someone that you love.” - Anne Hellgren In this episode, we discuss the importance of having a positive mindset and how it can affect your relationships. So if you are aiming to have a good relationship with yourself and others, this episode is for you!  Everyone has struggled with negative self-talk. As human beings, we are wired to notice the bad over the good things. This can stem from a past experience like bullying, or it can come from your personal trait of being self-critical or perfectionistic. But there is a way to end this vicious cycle and it starts with you! It all starts with mindfulness - be aware of what you take in and spill on others. Take a moment to identify your wants, and focus on them. Do something that will feed your happiness, it can be going to the gym for a workout, a stroll in the park, creating a spiritual practice, eating healthy food, or getting a good amount of sleep. Maybe a change in your environment is necessary to do the trick.  It’s not too late to rewire our brains for positivity. Know that by being the best version of yourself, you are easily attracting what you want and that includes happy and healthy relationships. The results may not happen overnight but with continuous practice coupled with self-grace, you will surely get there. As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at [email protected]. I love hearing from my listeners!  If you enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast!  Know anyone else who would enjoy this episode? Please SHARE it!  With love, xx Resources: I Can Make You Confident: The Power to Go for Anything You Want! By Paul McKenna Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins  Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl Connect with Stuart Wade: Twitter Linktree  Facebook  LinkedIn  Website Instagram Connect with Anne Hellgren: Linktree
Nov 9, 2023
37 min
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