The Lorraine Murphy Show Podcast

The Lorraine Murphy Show

Lorraine Murphy
With a mix of straight-talking advice, interviews with thought-leaders and Lorraine's personal stories and tips, this podcast aims to entertain, expand your thinking and give you a (gentle) kick up the ass - all to help you rise even higher in your life. Season 1 is The Expert Season - featuring Lorraine's own go-to experts on everything from entrepreneurship to soul alignment, from digital wellbeing to turbocharging your business revenue.
My Business Highs & Lows Of 2022
It’s that time of the year again!  Each year on the show, I do a wrap of both my personal and business highs and lows. 2022 was a landmark year for my business, and brought some huge developments.  In this episode I share behind the scenes of my year in entrepreneurship, and pass on the lessons I’ve learned.   In this episode, I mention my Entrepreneur’s Performance Review that I complete at the end of every year.  It’s a great opportunity to reflect and extract the learnings from the year so we can take them into the following year.  You can download it for free here:  Thank you so much for being a part of the show this year – I really appreciate you being here.  This will be the last episode on The Lorraine Murphy Show for a while as I’m launching the Bold Darling Podcast in January 2023, and that will be my main focus for podcasting next year.  See you over there!See for privacy information.
Dec 27, 2022
43 min
My Personal Highs & Lows Of 2022
It’s that time of the year again!  Each year on the show, I do a wrap of both my personal and business highs and lows. 2022 was a year that was very kind to me, and which brought me growth and depth in pretty much every area of my life.   In this episode I talk through the highs and lows of love, life, health and family this year.   Expect a few tears, some over-sharing and lessons passed on.  Oh, and I also share some pretty big news on what’s happening in 2023!   Thank you so much for being a part of the show this year – I really appreciate you being here.   These end-of-year episodes will be my last for a while on The Lorraine Murphy Show as I’m launching the Bold Darling Podcast in January 2023, and that will be my main focus for podcasting next year.  See you over there!See for privacy information.
Dec 27, 2022
1 hr 6 min
My Latest Launch Debrief
This week I’m sharing a topline debrief on my recent Bold Darling launch.  My intention with this launch was to make it feel like a great big party, keep my energy as high as possible throughout… and bring in lots of brilliant new Bold Darling members! In this chatty episode, I share: A snapshot of what’s been going on on both the business and personal front this past month What I feel went wrong with my last launch, and how I wanted to rectify that this time around How the concept of the GLOW UP came about The epic resistance that I had to navigate as I created it  The huge realisation I’ve had about what I’m ACTUALLY selling in my business My two secret weapons to keeping my energy high throughout  The tactics that really worked during the launch, and… …those that really didn’t! How nail-biting the last day was - and how I turned it around  The insights that I’m taking into my next launch  I also share an important update on my future plans for this show. Some resources I share are: Do The Work book by Steven Pressfield RTT practitioner Rachel Crethar Bonjoro video messaging software  I hope you enjoy this debrief, and that the lessons I share in it help you with your next launch.See for privacy information.
Nov 3, 2022
51 min
Becoming A Business Mama feat. Melissa Ambrosini
This week on the podcast I’m featuring a conversion with one of my wonderful friends, Melissa Ambrosini.  Melissa is a bestselling author, podcaster and speaker… and she also became mama to beautiful Bambi last year. Becoming a mama was one of Melissa’s greatest ambitions, and she prepared for YEARS for this role!  I love talking to her about how she navigated a thriving business and starting a family.  In our conversation, we cover: Who Melissa “pre Bambi” was The wait to conceive, and how that sat with her as a Type A biz owner (I can speak from experience with this one too - ha!) How she cared for herself during pregnancy, while also doing what was needed in her business What her plans were for maternity leave - and how those plans transpired  Birthing a book and a baby at the same time and how she navigated that How becoming a mama has changed her approach to business... and what has stayed the same One piece of advice she wants to share with wannabe business mamas And one piece of advice to business mamas Melissa also talks about her new program, Wholy Mama - the ultimate guide to conception, birth, postpartum and conscious parenting.  You can find out about it here: Another resource Melissa shares is her postpartum guide, which you can download here: for privacy information.
Oct 27, 2022
59 min
The GLOW UP Day 4 – Integrating Your GLOW UP
Over the next four days on the show, I’m sharing the GLOW UP experience I’ve been running this week.  Today’s session was tutorial-style.  My intention was to help the group INTEGRATE their GLOW UP.   I did a speed recap of the first three days together, then answered questions from the group on: Getting past an income plateau Pricing strategy Knowing your business USP The importance of accountability  Bold Darling I also share in this episode that doors are open NOW for my Bold Darling group – for female entrepreneurs who want to grow brilliantly successful businesses… without sacrificing themselves in the process.  Find out more at  Doors close on Thursday 27th October.See for privacy information.
Oct 23, 2022
55 min
The GLOW UP Day 3 - Marketing And Sales To Create A Biz That’s Magnetic To Your Perfect Customer
Over the next four days on the show, I’m sharing the GLOW UP experience I’ve been running this week.  Today I’m talking about SALES & MARKETING, with the intention of helping you effortlessly attract your perfect customers to your business. I share: The marketing secret weapon I guarantee you’re not leveraging effectively A gamechanging reframe to help you kick imposter syndrome to the kerb The simple way you can build your profile as an expert… right now How in business (and life!) we’re either expanding – or contracting The big mistake I made in sales early in my first business (and what I did about it) How most business owners waste their time selling One enormous advantage you have as a business owner selling I also share in this episode that doors are open NOW for my Bold Darling group – for female entrepreneurs who want to grow brilliantly successful businesses… without sacrificing themselves in the process.  Find out more at  Doors close on Thursday 27th October.See for privacy information.
Oct 22, 2022
58 min
The GLOW UP Day 2 - systems and support to find more TIME and SPACE in your business
Over the next four days on the show, I’m sharing the GLOW UP experience I’ve been running this week.  Today is Day 2… and we’re talking about SYSTEMS & SUPPORT, with the intention of getting you more time and space in your business.   In today’s video you’ll learn: How a bicycle wheel represents how many of business owners feel in their businesses (it’ll make sense, I promise) Why systems as an area can get extremely over-complicated How to get started - or continue - on your systemising journey with ease The gamechanging meeting I had with my team in my first business The three key elements of self-awareness as business owners How to define your superpowers The simple strategy to define what you can delegate more  Brilliant advice a past mentor gave me on when to hire I also share in this episode that doors are open NOW for my Bold Darling group - for female entrepreneurs who want to grow brilliantly successful businesses… without sacrificing themselves in the process.  Find out more at  Doors close on Thursday 27th OcSee for privacy information.
Oct 21, 2022
42 min
The GLOW UP Day 1 - how to find more joy for YOU in your business
Over the next four days on the show, I’m sharing the GLOW UP experience I’ve been running this week.  And we’re starting exactly where we should be starting… with you!   A business runs off the energy of its founder - so it’s critical that we first glow YOU up.  In Day 1 of the GLOW UP, we traverse personal organisation, energy management and and inspiration… all with a view to unlocking that next level of fulfilment and success for you as an individual. In this episode you’ll learn: How your personal mindset and energy directly affects your business  Why good does not equal easy How to move from being reactive to proactive The three home systems that can save you mental real estate The biggest mistake female entrepreneurs make with energy management The importance of having People Who Get It Around us… and how many of them we need How lack of clarity zaps all the good mindset stuff (e.g: motivation) I also share in this episode that doors are open NOW for my Bold Darling group - for female entrepreneurs who want to grow brilliantly successful businesses… without sacrificing themselves in the process.  Find out more at  Doors close on Thursday 27th October.See for privacy information.
Oct 20, 2022
43 min
How To Glow Up Your Next Photoshoot
Having a bank of images you love of yourself is one of the biggest gamechangers to putting yourself out there in your business - and in order to get those images, we need to nail our photoshoot! I’m fresh off my latest shoot, and it’s something I try to do at least twice a year.  In this episode, I share my super practical behind-the-scenes tips to nailing a photoshoot.  I cover: How to schedule your shoot What to look for in a venue (and why I don’t recommend shooting outdoors) How to find the photographer of your dreams My advice on choosing clothes for your shoot - and my own misfires on this front Why I beg you not to DIY hair and makeup… and my lashes watch-out! What to bring on the day How to set up at the shoot to max out time and efficiency What to ask of your photographer on the day so you feel confident in yourself… and that you’re getting the shots you want The one thing I mess up every single shoot  NB! This is the last podcast call for the GLOW UP - it’s kicking off next Wednesday 19th October and runs until Saturday 22nd.  If you’re looking to uplevel yourself and your business, you will LOVE these four days.  Register (for freeeee!) at: for privacy information.
Oct 13, 2022
46 min
The 8 Traits Of Highly Amazing Entrepreneurs
Based on the many business owners I’ve encountered in my own entrepreneurial journey, and those I’ve mentored, there are VERY clear patterns and commonalities they have in common.  In this week’s episode, I count down the eight most common traits I see them having.  The response to the GLOW UP has been huge!!  Hundreds of people have already signed up.  Join us from 19th-22nd October for four days to uplevel you, and your business.  You can register right here: If you’d like to learn more about DISC, check out the chapter on it in my first book Remarkability.  And to learn more about building resilience, read my fourth book Step Into You. I also reference DISC behaviour profiling and Helen Jacobs’ book You Already Know in this episode.See for privacy information.
Oct 6, 2022
45 min
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