The Lifestream Podcast

The Lifestream

The Lifestream
Welcome to The Lifestream! Come listen to our opinions and thoughts on videogames, movies, and other media! Shoot us a message with your questions or topic ideas!
Episode 76 - The DnD Special Finale: Crazy Caverns!
Why break down this DnD adventure into more than 2 parts? Enjoy the thrilling conclusion to our time in Jaspar in our full hour and a half finale! Don't like DnD? No worries! We are barely playing it as we riff and make jokes while ruining Ian's flow the whole time!
Sep 30, 2020
1 hr 39 min
Episode 75 - The DnD Special: Candle Capers!
We celebrate 75 episodes of The Lifestream by subjecting you to the madness of our bi-weekly DnD sessions! Have fun jumping into the mid point of our adventure, and imagine the chaos that ensues when we sit around a small table and shout over one another! Part 2 coming soon!
Sep 16, 2020
37 min
Episode 74 - The Justice League
We return after a month to start a new series on superhero teams! First up, The Justice League! Life gets busy sometimes, ya know? Thanks for sticking around us compadres.
Aug 26, 2020
38 min
Episode 73 - Diablo
We talk about one of our favorite PC trilogies since we were little dudes: The Diablo series! Yeah, they're intense games, but they are also fun and our Dad is the coolest for showing them to us.
Jul 22, 2020
46 min
Episode 72 - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
We are joined by our special guest, the one and only Jon Trautman (our super cool Daddio), as we talk about one of the best British comedies of all time: Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Justin finished Rat Race when directly after the podcast session and highly recommends that as well.
Jul 16, 2020
41 min
Episode 71 - Virtual Reality
We are joined by one of our favorite guests, Max "Three-and-a-quarter Irish" Meier, as we talk about the world of Virtual Reality gaming! We love PSVR and we stream it all the time on our 'Console Questers' YouTube page... just FYI!
Jul 8, 2020
46 min
Episode 70 - Obscure Comedies
We talk about some of our favorite obscure comedies that you probably have never seen, or saw a long time ago and forgot about! We aren't sure if we've already talked about Extreme Days on the show, and Justin was too lazy to check and find out... so enjoy either way!
Jul 2, 2020
42 min
Episode 69 - Games that haven't aged well
We talk about some of the videogames that we have played that haven't aged too well... and boy did we pick some ones you're probably gonna be mad at! We love them all, some just ran out of mileage. Seriously, I want to hear your opinions on it all! [email protected] with your comments! WE'RE HUNGRY FOR DEBATE!!!
Jun 24, 2020
42 min
Episode 68 - Heist Movies
We're back and we're talking about a super fun genre of movies: Heist Movies! Sorry for the break, things have been hectic! And Justin is extra sorry he couldn't remember the "Hot Take" segment...
Jun 18, 2020
43 min
Episode 67 - Kirby Games
Woah, missed two weeks there didn't we? Well we're back again and we talk about one of the most iconic Nintendo characters: Kirby! Kirby: Right Back Atcha was on the FoxBox on Saturdays and it ruled... Justin doesn't care what anyone says!
Jun 4, 2020
41 min
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