Library Rap: The Hip Hop Interviews with Tim Einenkel
Library Rap: The Hip Hop Interviews with Tim Einenkel
Library Rap: The Hip Hop Interviews with Tim Einenkel
263: El Da Sensei: "If They're (DJ) Not Playing That Shit, Then it's No Go"
1 minutes Posted Jun 15, 2015 at 11:53 am.
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On March 30th, 2015, R.A the Rugged Man performed at New York City's SOBs. During this performance, The Library's Tim Einenkel caught up with the legendary El Da Sensei (one half of the Artifacts). Tim asked El which element of hip hop should best represent it? His response:

“The DJ is the most important part of hip hop culture besides the MC. because once we make the records and do all what we do, it's up to the DJ to break the record. If they don't ever play the record, we ain't never being heard. Even on stage, he's like the drummer. If he don't start, we don't go. If you have no DJ, then you have no sound....DJs determine pretty much if you're nice or not...if they're not playing that shit, then it's no go. “

Entire interview will be up soon