The Legend of Things
The Legend of Things
The Legend of Things
Episode 45 - Nintendo Switch, and Top 10 Lists!
1 hour Posted Jan 18, 2017 at 12:10 pm.
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Shaun and Jonathan regurgitate the finer points of Nintendo's Switch announcements, in all of their (possible) glory! Bask in Shaun's genuine disinterest! BASK I SAY! Also hear a bit about Mario, Zelda, a new Super Bomberman (!!) and maybe, if we're super lucky, a new Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem!
This week's lineup may or may not include a funky game called NERO, a bit more Sherlock, some OG Baldur's Gate 1, Halcyon 6, and a dash of new Twin Peaks!
Last but not least, we add our own 'Top 10 Games of 2016' lists to the ever-expanding pile, due to our frustration with other lists and publications. To each their own, we suppose!
All opinions expressed are those of the show hosts, and are not representative of the companies they work for.