The Legend of Things
The Legend of Things
The Legend of Things
Episode 34 - Civilization 6, Orwell, and the wonders of American Asking!
1 hour 8 minutes Posted Oct 26, 2016 at 7:47 am.
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Shaun, Jonathan, and Danny jump into some major gaming announcements this week, including exploding Samsung phones in GTA V, Red Dead 2 teaser trailer, bits and pieces about the Nintendo Switch and their partner list, and why Danny is addicted to Metroid Prime. Guess what?! We also have the new trailer for LOGAN, new D&D movie interview and 5th edition book reorganization.
Star Citizen is free to play for all of October, Last Guardian finally "finished", Civilization 6 is the deepest of the deep, AT&T is trying to take over the world, and a wonderful new game about taking on the role of a Big Brother agent, destroying the 4th Amendment in Orwell (Jon loves this game, go play it now!)
All opinions expressed are those of the show hosts, and not of the companies they represent.