The Leadership Pulse
The Leadership Pulse
The Leadership Pulse
Rethinking Healthcare Leadership: A Different Kind of Healthcare Leader
30 minutes Posted Jul 14, 2023 at 5:24 am.
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On this episode of The Leadesrhip Pulse, we have Dan Huckins, an organizational leadership consultant who specializes in healthcare on the podcast to discuss some challenges specific to the healthcare industry. The episode begins by highlighting the dramatic culture shift brought about by innovation, from the Gutenberg Press to the emergence of artificial intelligence. The digital age has blurred work and personal boundaries, making work-life balance a significant challenge. Leaders and organizations must recognize and address this challenge. 

We talk about leadership in healthcare is also discussed, with a call to rethink the kind of leader needed in this field and the importance of striving for the highest possible good of those we lead.  We discuss the importance of collaboration and the need for teams to be devleoped for the highest impact to be made in an organization.

Dan shares his insights on overcoming imposter syndrome and how he used the tool "Know Yourself to Lead Youself and The Influence Model to make shifts in his own life. The podcast also touches on the concept of self-preservation, its root causes, and the journey towards being a humble, secure, and confident leader who can build real relationships and influence. The episode concludes with a reminder of the importance of self-care and getting healthy to benefit those being led and influenced. 

This epsiode is full of great takeaways!