The Kyle Kashuv Show Podcast

The Kyle Kashuv Show

Kyle Kashuv
Kyle Kashuv is a conservative commentator reporting from the frontlines of Twitter. Each week from an undisclosed location, he brings you the latest in leftist insanity along with engaging conversations with special guests. Enjoy!
ROON: Wordcels vs. Shape Rotators
Roon (@tszzl) is a technology brother, who is also terminally online. 
Feb 9, 2022
1 hr
Rachel Bovard: Tech-Tyranny & War-Time Conservatism
Rachel Bovard is the Senior Director of Policy at the Conservative Partnership Institute. Rachel has over a decade of experience fighting for conservative policies in Washington. She has served in both the House and Senate in various roles. And she's brilliant. Some topics we dicussed: Dealing w/ Corporate America (while keeping the spirit of innovation), Anti-Trust & Monopolies: Facebook / Google / Apple, ADL & Paypal censorship and the road to tyranny, Are our institutions redeemable?, How successful has the Conservative Judgeship campaign been?  -- kyle kashuv
Oct 1, 2021
59 min
Rob Henderson - Deregulation of Dating & Luxury Beliefs
I got to talk with one of my favorite people on Twitter: Rob Henderson. Rob grew up in the foster care system in California. He worked as a busboy, a dishwasher, and a supermarket bagger, and then joined the Air Force at the age of 17. He then went to Yale on the GI Bill and is now studying for his Ph.D. in psychology at Cambridge. But the most interesting things about him have nothing to do with his credentials... We discuss: it turns out fatherhood determines success more than the socioeconomic background, why colleges are axing the SAT, intragroup policing and radicalization, WokeFishing & Tinder Statistics, is poverty linked to crime?, and coining luxury beliefs. Cheers. 
Sep 15, 2021
1 hr 43 min
Zak Slayback - Eternal Adolescence & Diagnosing Decadence
Zak Slayback is a Principal at the 1517 Fund -- a venture capital firm that invests in dropouts and deep-tech. We talk about why our elites are so lame, how we fix higher education (some banks & useless administrators will cry), decline as the natural result of misaligned incentive structures, what it takes to build alternative institutions, why millennials are raising plants and dogs instead of children, and the corrosive effects of onlyfans.
Jul 29, 2021
1 hr 43 min
BLM and the Truth about Policing in America | Rav Arora
Kyle Kashuv sits down with insightful columnist Rav Arora (who writes about crime, and culture) to discuss: Policing Falsehoods, George Floyd Riots & Aftermath in Kenosha, What leads to success in America, Debunking Intersectionality and Critical Race Theory.   Please send all hate messages, and marriage proposals to:
Jan 31, 2021
58 min
WOKAL DISTANCE | How Woke Activists Conquered our Institutions
In this episode, Kyle almost tries not to faint after only having a Dr.Pepper for the past 18 hours. Kyle interviews Wokal Distance (@Wokal_Distance), an emerging intellectual researcher based in Canada who details a phenomenal historical analysis and lineage of Post-Modernism, Critical Race Theory, and their love-child Woke Activists and how they've taken hold of our Cultural, Academic, and Government Institutions.  Give Kyle Access to a Chickfila Sandwich before he heads off to the Gulags. Support the show.:
Jan 18, 2021
1 hr 11 min
3 - IAN SMITH, Gym Owner Arrested for Opening Business
People have begun to resist Government shutdown orders. They're fed up. And good for them. Now the Governor of New Jersey is harassing Ian and his gym patrons with immense fines of more than a Million -- and has imprisoned the owners for some time. An example of contagious courage in our utterly absurd dystopia...
Jan 2, 2021
1 hr 3 min
2 - SENATOR MARSHA BLACKBURN | Should we break up Big Tech?
Kyle Kashuv talks with United States Senator Marsha Blackburn about how to combat China's intrusion, NBA and Nike Wokeism, and the solution to Big Tech.  Support the show:
Dec 24, 2020
15 min
1 - DAVE RUBIN on Corporate Cowardice, 2020 Election, and Big Tech Censorship
1 - Dave Rubin on Corporate Cowardice, 2020 Election, and Big Tech Censorship The first episode of the Kyle Kashuv show is finally here! We're joined by Dave Rubin: classical liberal commentator, Host of the Rubin Report, and Kyle's current stylist. We discuss the return of Jordan Peterson, American Exceptionalism/1619 Project, Joe Rogan leading the California Exodus, debunking the wage gap, liberals suddenly realizing the perils of cancel culture, and the former nation-state of CHAZ.    Help feed Kyle! Support the Show: ▶▶
Dec 15, 2020
1 hr 29 min