To some, college is a non-stop 4 year party with the occasional break to write a paper here and there. For the rest parties are an occasional occurrence. To all, parties are just part of the experience. But what happens when you party too hard and make some bad choices. In this session of The Karter Administration
we will look at destructive decisions that could not only ruin your night but possibly harm you or those you love for the rest of your life.
Guest hosts will be Vinnecia Elliott and Denise Thames.
Aug 17, 2009
1 hr 30 min

College. The best 4 years of your life. But many people don’t make it past the first semester. In this session of The Karter Administration
we’ll give you our tried and true methods for collegiate success.
Guest hosts will be Aziza Jackson and Kelly Smith.
I’m counting on all of you, my listeners out there, to call in and share with us your tips, tricks, and stories about your first year of college and where it lead you.
Aug 10, 2009
1 hr 30 min

The HBCU vs. PWI debate never seems to get old. It’s one that frequently takes place in November and December when people go back home for holiday breaks and link up with old friends. Black Schools have more tradition. White Schools have more money. Black Schools give you the run-a-round. White Schools don’t really care about you. We’ve probably all heard statements like this before. In this session of The Karter Administration
we will examine the “HBCU Experience” and explore if is much more essential to the matriculation of an African-American College Student.
Guest hosts will be Senyo Abotsi, Crystal Claybrooks, Anthony Collier, & Carl Cunningham.
Aug 3, 2009
1 hr 30 min

We see it on every crime show whether it be Cops or Law and Order. The person of color often catches the blame for the crime. Is it really paranoia when black scholars become the face of discrimination? When crime happens who’s most likely to stand in the line up? In this session of The Karter Administration
, we’re tackling the question of racial profiling: is it paranoia or a real problem?
Guest hosts will be Officer 'X'
Special guest appearence by Nfared
Jul 27, 2009
1 hr 30 min

Break ups to make ups—many of us are guilty of that relationship cycle. Or maybe it's a friend you see going through it. Either way, how do you know when it is time to let go? And if you are that friend how can you help? In this session of The Karter Administration
we’re counting on you to tell us when it is really over. We’ll explore some unforgivable moments that break relationships and advice on reading the signs of a failing relationship.
Guest hosts will be Jermaine "Funny Maine" Johnson and Santrice Jones.
Jul 20, 2009
1 hr 30 min

What is there to be said about those who have and look down upon those who have-not? The educated Black population faces much scrutiny when people ask who is supposed to give back. In this session of The Karter Administration
, we will discuss the gap between the have and have-nots in the African American community. Is it a matter of arrogance and pride that keeps some left behind, or is there much more to stereotype of the Uppity Negro?
Guest Hosts will be Mercedes Parham and Steven Roberts
Jul 13, 2009
1 hr 30 min

Sexually Transmitted Infections are back on the rise and they’re blaming us for it. Tune into this session of The Karter Administration
to hear sexual health experts shed a new light on wrapping it up. Protecting yourself is protecting your life these days. The facts might surprise you.
Guest hosts will be Modu Feyisitan and Shawna Harris
Jul 6, 2009
1 hr 30 min

In this session of The Karter Administration
we will explore the many facets of interracial dating and relationships. Do these relationships stand apart from same race relationships? Does society view them as acceptable? We will take an in depth view beyond the media blitz to see if we are as accepting of cultural and traditional differences when it comes to love.
Guest hosts will be Taneeka Lee and Dave Taitt
Jun 29, 2009
1 hr 30 min

In this session of The Karter Administration
we will explore the many perceptions of Greek letter organizations. Do the members of fraternities and sororities uplift the community or are they merely social institutions? Share your honest opinion, as we distinguish between perception and reality.
Guest hosts will be Nekabari Goka, Jakim Pearson, and Tiwa Works.
Jun 22, 2009
1 hr 30 min

After a month long hiatus, The Karter Administration
returns to its Sunday night time slot to administer your weekly dose of thought provoking talk radio.
In this session we will talk with recent college graduates to find out what their plans are for moving forward in their lives. Will they go to grad school? Maybe jump into the workforce? Or will they take some time off to find themselves by perambulating across the European countryside? Tune in to find out. Guest hosts will be a returning friend of The Karter Administration
, Mr. Isaiah R. Allen and a new comer Ms. Chrishele Kingdom.
Also stopping by will be special guest hosts Bryan Davis and Maci Peterson, Founder and Editor-In-Chief, Mwari Magazine.
Your wait is over ladies and gentlemen. The Karter Administration
Jun 8, 2009
1 hr 30 min
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