In this episode, we discuss what drew Jackie to the Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology doctoral program at Johns Hopkins, how taking a step back and assessing her personal and professional values and priorities helped her navigate the decision to pivot out of academia and into consulting, and her take on the ways a PhD prepares you to be a successful consultant as well as the major differences between consulting and academia. Hosted by Lois DankwaTo connect with Jackie and to learn more about her story, visit her page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
May 3, 2023
25 min

In this episode, we discuss what led Amy to pursue a PhD in chemical biology at Johns Hopkins, how she combined her love of both science and writing to carve out a career in medical communication and education, and her advice for trusting yourself and following your own path. Hosted by Lois DankwaTo connect with Amy and to learn more about her story, visit her page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
May 3, 2023
22 min

In this episode, we discuss how Daesha’s initial interests in public service and academic teaching evolved over the course of her PhD program in Population, Family & Reproductive Health, her experience founding a boutique consulting firm focused on equity and organizational and systems change, and her take on the importance of recognizing and affirming your unique worth and talents for sustaining yourself through the many challenges of doctoral training. Hosted by Brooklyn ArroyoTo connect with Daesha and to learn more about her story, visit her page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
May 1, 2023
26 min

In this episode, we discuss Andrew’s experience pursuing a PhD in behavioral neuroscience through a Graduate Partnership Program with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Johns Hopkins University, how he centers human impact in his preclinical research on substance abuse disorders and sleep, and his advice for gaining mentorship experience during the PhD program to help develop leadership and people management skills. Hosted by Brooklyn ArroyoTo connect with Andrew and to learn more about his story, visit his page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
May 1, 2023
30 min

In this episode, we discuss the role of mentorship in Seth’s decision to pursue a PhD in International Relations, the various personal and professional factors that led him to take a role as a Tax Research & Planning Officer for the State of Hawaii after having worked in Washing DC at the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, and his advice for looking out for unexpected opportunities and carving your own unique career path. Hosted by Lois DankwaTo connect with Seth and to learn more about his story, visit his page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
Apr 15, 2023
28 min

In this episode, we discuss how Remy discovered her love of teaching and what inspired her to pursue a doctorate in education, the different ways the approaches she learned and the network she formed during her doctoral training show up in her work today as the President at Uplift Education, and her take on the importance of being adaptive and willing to try new solutions when facing challenges. Hosted by Lois DankwaTo connect with Remy and to learn more about her story, visit her page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
Apr 15, 2023
26 min

In this episode, we discuss Gina’s path to pursing a PhD in materials science and engineering, her advice for remaining flexible, establishing a strong support system, and trusting in yourself when making decisions about your career path, and her work as a research scientist specializing in mass spectrometry imaging at the UK National Physical Laboratory. Hosted by Lois DankwaTo connect with Gina and to learn more about her story, visit her page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
Apr 15, 2023
22 min

In this episode, we discuss the role of mentorship in Kyle’s decision to pursue a PhD in Molecular Microbiology & Immunology at Johns Hopkins, how he combined his scientific background with the entrepreneurial and business acumen he gained from pursuing an MBA to land a role working in patent law, and his advice for the importance of networking to help discover your career possibilities. Hosted by Brooklyn ArroyoTo connect with Kyle and to learn more about his story, visit his page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
Apr 13, 2023
22 min

In this episode, we discuss what led Esther to pursue a PhD in Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins, how she experimented with internships during her doctoral training to see how her epidemiological skills could apply in different industries, and her experience conducting health-related research at Meta to improve population health. Hosted by Lois Dankwa
Apr 11, 2023
24 min

In this episode, we discuss the role of mentorship in helping Sonal understand how to combine her interests into a single academic trajectory in health economics and in connecting her with hands-on experience in the policy world, the different ways she tailored her PhD experience to prepare her to land a job working in the federal government, and the diversity of the work she does in her current role as the FDA Team Lead at the Department of Health and Human Services. Hosted by Lois DankwaTo connect with Sonal and to learn more about her story, visit her page on the PHutures #100AlumniVoices Project website.
Apr 10, 2023
24 min
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