The IT Kit Podcast Podcast
The IT Kit Podcast
IT Kit / askSpoke
The 15 Minute Problem: An MVP in the Valley of Despair - episode of The IT Kit Podcast podcast

The 15 Minute Problem: An MVP in the Valley of Despair

14 minutes Posted Apr 20, 2020 at 5:45 pm.
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Here's a hypothetical (that isn't hypothetical for any of us): you join a company, roll your sleeves up to breathe new life into their IT, annnnd someone hands you a business-critical compliance deadline. You have no MDM. You have no anti-virus selected. You've got... a greenfield. @#%$!

James Tommey, Director of IT at Disco uses his years of IT experience in greenfield and growing organizations to walk us through what to tackle first, evaluating time, effort, and responsibility under deadline pressure, and how to break down a behemoth project into the minimum viable product.