The IT Kit Podcast Podcast
The IT Kit Podcast
IT Kit / askSpoke
IT Kit Podcast #8 - Manuel Bernal, Greylock Partners - episode of The IT Kit Podcast podcast

IT Kit Podcast #8 - Manuel Bernal, Greylock Partners

46 minutes Posted Nov 1, 2019 at 8:53 pm.
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For episode 8 we are taking some time to address feedback from our listeners and changing things up from our normal episode format. We realize past episodes have introduced you to several leaders in the IT space, but haven’t properly introduced you to our very own co-host. In this episode Tim Burke returns to interview our co-host, Manuel Bernal, Head of Technology at Greylock,  and sit down for an open dialogue on Manuel’s career, the path he took to get into technology, how his interest in tech led to a career in IT, some of the jobs he had along the way and where he’s at now in a Head of Technology role at Greylock.