The Israeli Palestinian Confederation Podcast

The Israeli Palestinian Confederation

Josef Avesar
The Israeli Palestinian Confederation, created by Josef Avesar is a plan for peace between the people of Israel and Palestine
Segregation Between the Israelis and Palestinians is a Major Problem
Josef and Jordan Avesar discuss how lack of awareness is preventing the IPC from becoming a reality, why it is problematic that the U.S. supports segregation between the Israels and Palestinians, how changes in society require an expansion of our collective consciousness, and more.
Mar 6, 2020
36 min
How will the IPC become a reality?
The IPC will become a reality on its own when enough people know what it is
Jan 31, 2020
11 min
Is there a similar confederation?
Is there a similar confederation to the IPC? Yes, with slight differences. However even if an idea is new does not mean it wouldn’t work
Nov 15, 2019
11 min
The Confederation would enable negations with Iran, Hamas, and Hizballah
Josef and Jordan discuss how the Confederation would enable negations with Iran, Hamas, and Hizballah.
Nov 11, 2019
16 min
Josef and Jordan discuss the details of the Israel Palestinian Confederation.
More details about the 3rd government- the IPC. How do we create peace? What ideologies are in the way of peace? Glory is peace, not war
Nov 10, 2019
42 min
Welcome to the Israeli Palestinian Confederation - A plan for peace
Welcome to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict - A plan for peace. Founded by Josef Avesar. In this first episode, we are introducing the peace plan and getting into some details of how this plan can become a reality. Thank you
Nov 6, 2019
12 min