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The Podcasts
Peace Corps philosopher in China: Author Peter Vernezze
21 minutes Posted Jan 6, 2012 at 11:42 am.
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Philosophy isn’t generally thought of as a cross-cultural tool, but for Peter Vernezze, who left a position as philosophy professor at a U.S. university to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer in China, philosophy is exactly that. 

Over the course of his two years of service in a Sichuan university, Professor Vernezze set up and took notes on philosophical chats among his students. From their discussions emerged a host of unique insights into the philosophical suppositions underpinning the values and concerns of contemporary Chinese students.

In this podcast, Idealist’s Amy Potthast chats with Professor Vernezze about what philosophy is, how philosophical thinking can re-contextualize different cultures, including one’s own, and why Chinese philosophy, in particular, is important. A former Peace Corps China Volunteer, herself, Amy’s own experience with Chinese thought yields a fruitful discussion with Professor Vernezze on what Westerners can learn from China.