The Podcasts
The Podcasts
Conflict Resolution: Part 3, admissions and financial aid
12 minutes Posted Dec 16, 2011 at 9:41 am.
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In Conflict resolution masters programs, students learn how to analyze conflict and how to uncover the underpinnings of conflict situations. They gain skills to defuse and prevent conflict situations that arise among individuals, groups, and countries.In this Idealist Grad School Podcast series, Amy Potthast chats with admissions staff and an alum from two conflict resolution grad programs:
  • This episode, Part Three, is on admissions and financial aid advice.
  • Find Part Two, on course work, field work, and certificates at
  • Find Part One, an overview of the degree and careersat
The Guests:Erin Ogilvie, George Mason University’s School of Conflict Analysis and ResolutionTim Hicks, University of Oregon’s masters program in Conflict ResolutionLearn more: