The Hustle
The Hustle
Jon Lamoreaux
Episode 67 - Blanche Napoleon on Dan Hartman
1 hour 17 minutes Posted Aug 16, 2016 at 11:28 am.
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In the mid-70s, Blanche Napoleon impulsively moved to NYC and befriended the excellent singer-songwriter Dan Hartman. She also managed to stumble into a music career when Dan made her a background singer on some of his biggest disco hits ("Instant Replay", "Relight My Fire", "Love Sensation"). Their deep friendship carried on until his death from AIDS in 1993. In this conversation, not only do we honor Dan and his life and art, but we talk about Blanche's brief. but impactful career in the music business in the late 70s before she transitioned to a hugely successful career in the fashion industry. She may have a short musical resume, but she has some of the best stories.