In this chapter I talk about the risk of not taking risks, why 100% commitment is easier than 98%, the never-ending lessons when hiring and why deciding who you are is more important than discovering who you are.
Aug 14, 2019
19 min

In this episode I talk about how I overcame laziness, the impact of small incremental changes which form habits, what being grateful and present can bring, how your perspective can become your prison and the challenge of choosing when to be the 'nice CEO' and the 'hard-ass CEO'.
Jul 18, 2019
18 min

It's been a year since my last episode. I've done 10 in total. That's not good enough. So here I am, starting once again, back where I started. This time for good.
Since the last episode I've failed with my app, moved offices, changed our team, started the same app from scratch again and lot's more. Last year was full of painful lessons and I am looking forward to putting them in use while sharing my journey with you.
I am not a successful entrepreneur...yet. This is not a 'this how I made it' podcast. I am someone who is still building, still figuring it out. I've no idea what to expect going forward, but I am excited to discover that together.
Jul 8, 2019
13 min

Entrepreneurs deal with pressure all the time. How it affects you depends on your perspective towards it. I've been dealing with some pressure lately myself from the people surrounding me.
Aug 28, 2018
5 min

It's been 9 months since my last
episode. That's insane. I've rediscovered Anchor again and listened to those episodes. It was amazing hearing where me head was at at that time and I saw a lot of value in that. That's why I'm back to doing these. Can't to share everything!
Aug 24, 2018
4 min

The importance of your team around you, positive energy and achieving common goals.
Nov 15, 2017
4 min
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