The Human Condition Podcast

The Human Condition

Michael Zeitgeist
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As modern day cranial polymath, Michael Zeitgeist is constantly swaying between ancient cynicism applied to today’s world of social & corporate ineptitude and a deep inner desire to one day become more than a half-hacking philosopher. (One day I’ll build a full podcast out of this. Until then, I’ll “Anchor” here.) Support this podcast:
E18 UnderEDUcation Nation
Teachers are fleeing in droves. 76.4% of higher-ed positions are filled by underpaid adjuncts. We're heading toward a catastrophic decline in education, and subsequently, ability of future generations. Here's my take... --- Support this podcast:
Dec 31, 2018
25 min
E17 Overconnected & Undergenuine
Final for 2018 - will 2019 be the year to disconnect? --- Support this podcast:
Dec 28, 2018
19 min
The Truth About: You do You, brotha!
Authenticity is a tribal game of 150 people - maximum. Thumbnail was chosen as clickbait - or, perhaps, I was "doing me". ;) *Some AUTHENTIC language is included in this recording --- Support this podcast:
Nov 27, 2018
17 min
E15 Instagratification - the slow death of short form.
We are changing; going back to long-form narratives and storytelling. While they presently co-exist, immersion and well-articulated statements are pushing instant-consumables by the wayside. Personalities referenced in this show: Dr. Jordan Peterson, Seth Godin, Joe Rogan, Tim Ferriss, Alex Honnold Topics, questions or if you'd like to come on the show with me (any topic of your choice), please contact me via twitter: @absentpaper --- Support this podcast:
Nov 12, 2018
23 min
E14 (Gear)Porn & Business
It's not always about what you have, but what you do with it. This episode is about the gear I'm using to record my episodes. Originally, it was a question from well over a year ago, and I remembered it during today's morning run, where I was thinking about: Porn. GearPorn. Also, am I making any money with podcasting? Surprisingly - yes. Enjoy! Tech details Homestudio: Microphones: EV RE20 Mixer: Mackie ProFx8v2 Gate: DBX 266XS Tech details Mobile: Zoom H6 Audio Technica BPHS1 Sound capture & Editing: MacBook Pro 15" Audacity --- Support this podcast:
Nov 5, 2018
17 min
Personality assessments - what they don’t tell us.
Personality assessments tell you a lot about the status quo. They’re really good, for those who are self aware, to reaffirm what we’ve known all along. Personality assessments are symptomatic, but never causal. How are we supposed to improve when we stay at the surface level? Perhaps we aren’t meant to... --- Support this podcast:
Nov 4, 2018
8 min
This is the root of happiness
Freedom and the pursuit of happiness - the foundations of human existence. Well....great....what does that actually mean? --- Support this podcast:
Sep 11, 2018
21 min
Free Range Parenting
Free Range Parenting A mom drops her 9-year old off a Bloomingdales in NYC, with a map, a subway pass and $20 - find your way home, son. A U.K couple raises their kids completely free of "social norms and standards" - free to do as they please. It's called; Free Range Parenting, and it's legal in Utah. --- Support this podcast:
Sep 2, 2018
13 min
E12 - Where is podcasting headed?
Video Killed the Radio Star. Podcasting will be the finishing move. But, where is content production heading? YouTube v Podcasting or is it YouTube AND Podcasting? What's in store for us - the mini-media houses? (Anchor upload/dissemination Only) --- Support this podcast:
Aug 20, 2018
22 min
You're lying
Social norms dictate that we're lying. To each other. To ourselves. But what happened to Ray Dalio's "Principles" - radical transparency/honesty? I'm on a rant... --- Support this podcast:
Aug 16, 2018
12 min
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