The Homestead Journey Podcast

The Homestead Journey

Brian Wells
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The homesteading podcast dedicated to the pursuit of self-sufficiency, self reliance, and sustainability. Brian is a 4th generation homesteader located in beautiful upstate NY. Along with his wife, Bonnie (also a 4th generation homesteader) and their son Brian Jr., Brian has been actively homesteading on a 2 acre piece of land since 2008. This podcast is dedicated to their journey and is a call for others to join them in pursuing self sufficiency, self reliance, and sustainability.
S4E171 Season Finale:  2023:A Season of Change
2023 has been a season of change on our homestead.  Some of that has been planned.  So of it, not so much.  On this final episode of season 4, I share with you some of those changes and some lessons I've learned.  I also share with you my vision for season 5.Until next time, keep up the good work!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Oct 23, 2023
21 min
S4E170 11 Reasons Why Empty Nesting Hasn't Been As Traumatic As We Thought It Would Be
In this final episode Bonnie joins me on one last episode in our series on Empty Nest Homesteading .  We expected this transition to be far more traumatic than it has been.  While we understand that everyone's journey is different, on this episode we share 11 Reasons why we think we've been able to make this transition so smoothly .Enjoy!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Oct 16, 2023
1 hr 8 min
S4E169 How Is Homesteading Different From Farming?
This week I spent a lot of time reading the policy manuals of the Farm Bureau and the NY Farm Bureau.  As I did, I spent quite a bit of time thinking about how homesteading and farming are the same.  And how they are different.  On this episode, I share my thoughts on that as well as why I think homesteading is crucial to solving the issue of aging farmers.Enjoy!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Sep 26, 2023
26 min
S4E168 Why I Joined The Farm Bureau
Back in May at the Southern Adirondack Homesteading Festival, I was introduced to Natalie, the manager of our local region for the NY Farm Bureau.  We became friends.  She has been trying to convince me to join the organization, but I wasn't convinced that it would be a good fit.  While their mission is advocacy and education relating to agricultural issues, I didn't think they would care about the issues and concerns that homesteaders face.  As I shared some of those concerns with Natalie, she said to me, "Brian, NYFB cannot advocate for problems they don't know exist.  They can't provide education in areas they are unaware that people are struggling with."  Well, what changed?  And why did I finally join NYFB?  Listen and find out.Enjoy, BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Sep 18, 2023
15 min
S4E167 Six Lessons I (re)Learned at the Fall Gathering of the Homesteaders of New England 2023
This past weekend, I had the privilege of helping Jack Pollner put on the Fall Gathering of the Homesteaders of New England.  What a great time!!! On this episode I share with you about the event, including 6 lessons I've (re)learned by attending the event.  Enjoy!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Sep 12, 2023
24 min
S4E166 Lessons I've Learned From My WORST Garden EVER!!
This year my garden has sucked.  Worst. Garden. Ever.  It's been one of those gardening seasons that could make you want to quit gardening.  Forever.But, instead, I'm trying to learn some lessons.  Some lessons that I hope will help me be successful in years to come. Hopefully it will inspire you to keep gardening even if things haven't gone well for you either.Enjoy!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Sep 4, 2023
32 min
S4E165 Southern Adirondack Homesteading Festival: What Is Homesteading?
On today's episode we jump back to May's Southern Adirondack Homesteading Festival and the talk I gave called "What Is Homesteading".Enjoy!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Aug 21, 2023
52 min
S4E164 Steam Canning With A VKP (Harvest) Multi-Use Steam Canner
On this episode, we take a deep dive into steam canning.  I talk about it's history, the journey to "approval" and when it should be used.I also talk about the VKP Multi-Use Steam Canner that we just purchased.  I've put it through its paces; as a steam canner, a hot water bath canner and a stock pot.  Do I recommend it?  Listen and find out!!VKP Multi-Use Steam CannerVKP Dome Style Steam CannerKeep up the good work!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Aug 14, 2023
32 min
S4E163 Five Reasons You Should Quit Doing Some Things
This week, we sent our last remaining American Guinea Hogs off to their new home in Michigan .  It is a bittersweet day for us.  And while a lot of thought went into making this decision, it is very easy to second guess "quitting" something.  And, so on this episode I remind you (and myself) that it is ok to quit things.  In fact, sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to move onto something else.  On this episode, I discuss 5 reasons why we might want to quit things:1. You don't like it.  2. You don't need it. 3. You don't want to do it.  4. You can't do it. 5. You want to do something else.  Quitting doesn't have to be forever. sometimes it's "not now, but maybe later......" Whether it's a permanent quit or it's just a pause, it's ok to quit things, to shift gears, to do something else.  It may feel uncomfortable.  It may affect your how your perception of yourself.  It might affect how others perceive you.   But, it's STILL ok to quit things.  Don't be afraid to be a quitter.  Enjoy!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Jul 31, 2023
37 min
S4E162 Lifesteading With Amy Dingmann - Empty Nest Homesteading
On this episode, I am joined once again by Amy Dingmann from A Farmish Kind of Life as we talk about "lifesteading" and her journey so far into being an empty nester.Enjoy!!BrianSupport the show[email protected]
Jul 24, 2023
45 min
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