The Holistic Navigator Podcast
The Holistic Navigator
Ed Jones
The Incredible C-60 Molecule - episode of The Holistic Navigator podcast

The Incredible C-60 Molecule

35 minutes Posted Dec 9, 2022 at 9:56 pm.
What is carbon-60?7:38 - The unique structure of the C-60 molecule.10:26 - Detoxification and other benefits of C-60.19:07 - At what age can you start taking C-60?21:13 - How often should you take it?Products + Resources:Greska’s C-60
The benefits of carbon 60 that it helps your body get rid of free radicals which are molecules in your body that are missing electrons. These molecules here they're made out of 60 carbon atoms so they're very, very small. And as you get excellent good antioxidant Zantac, subsidies and food give up electrons but the but they're very large these things are extremely small in size. So whatever your health issue is, it's most likely caused by free radicals.
Everyone welcome back to the holistic navigator podcast where we believe in the body's capacity for self healing, if it's given the proper nutrients and care it deserves. My name is Brian Strickland. I'm the producer of the show. And here with me as always in studio is your host, Mr. Ed Jones. On today's episode, we sit down with Bob Brasco. Bob is a mechanical engineer by trade, but he's also the founder of grass because carbon 60 carbon 60 is a very unique molecule. And in 2012, in a scientific breakthrough discovery, Mr. gasca created a non solvent method to produce a nonclustered non crystallized contaminant free mono molecular food grade carbon 60. And while we know that's a mouthful, the really important thing to take away from carbon 16 is that it's considered to be one of the world's most efficient free radical scavengers. As a result, it Balances pH and detoxifies the entire body, at the cellular and mitochondrial levels. So with all that in mind, let's go ahead and hop into this really unique conversation about carbon 60. With Mr. Bob Cresco.
Thank you, and thank everyone for joining us. Again, today with the holistic navigator. I want to remind people that are very pleased we'd look last week, the holistic Navigator is in the top 1% of podcast, not in the United States, but in the world under the heading of health. And I'm very proud of that we have this should be probably 105 episodes over the past three and a half to four years. And again, it's the encyclopedia that I've really put together to help empower people to learn how to improve their health, manage their health, and to be optimally healthy, because the traditional methods today are great at treating, treating acute situations, very poor at treating chronic and we have to arm ourselves because the people that we used to trust for our health are really not being trained in this whole conversation. You know, everyone who's listened to me for a while knows that I've been around the block a lot. I've been doing this now 43 years. In fact, this January will be 44. And I love and I have a passion for the philosophy of self healing. And I reach out to people who I respect who have who are seekers, I guess I'll call the word seeker. And I love that word. Because if you're not a seeker, you're going to be a follower. And followers do less than good when it comes to health. And so today we're going to talk about something called carbon 60. With Mr. Bob Greco. Welcome to the holistic navigator, Bob.
Nice to be here. Thanks for having me here. And we'll get into carbon 60, and how it works and what it does and how it helps your help.
Absolutely. And I am a person who I guess I called and I have called myself this the universal guinea pig. If it sounds at all reasonable, and it's backed up with some credibility, I will try everything first because I feel that it's my duty as the the head honcho of this whole path to say, Hey, I did this. It worked. It didn't work. It gave me this side effect. It gave me this positive effect. Well, I heard you on Dr. Lee merits podcast when she interviewed you about the carbon 60. And before we get into how it came about and your history, I want to go ahead and just kind of focus on why would a person even want to consider this for their health because here's what I learned a little bit from that podcast and from reading your really good website. I have chronic inflammation that's tendinitis don't know where it came from. It's managed pretty well. It's not an injury. And I saw in there that the carbon 60, which is a very unusual molecule could be used to treat chronic inflammation, you said spray it on and take it internally. And I will have to say that I felt some pretty immediate immediate, maybe 30 minutes after spraying it. It took the age of my pain better than the CBD lotion and better than the other things I've been putting on. And that really triggered me to look deeper. And when I did, I realized that I have missed the boat on this carbon conversation. And I know that you know it does so many wonderful things like increase glutathione, which is part of the anti aging protocol that we really focus on. And many people are just getting some great results not only for themselves, but for their pets, which certainly means it's not placebo. What are some of the Things that people could probably look for. And then we'll explain the technology and how to use this on carbon 60.
Yeah, the benefits of carbon 60, that it acts as an SMD, mimetic, and it helps your body get rid of free radicals, which are molecules in your body that are missing electrons. And it does this in a very profound way. These molecules here, they're made out of 60 carbon atoms, so they're very, very small. And as you get x like an antioxidant, as antioxidants and food give up electrons, but the but they're very large, these things are extremely small in size. So whatever your health issue is, it's most likely caused by free radicals. So when you have a free radical, it's a molecule missing an electron, what the carbon 60 molecule does, is being spherical in nature, it's very, it's symmetric, so it's very structurally strong, so can give up an electron without collapsing. And that's what it does, it gives up an electron and it puts it back onto that molecule missing electron. Now, that molecule that did not know what it was, and that molecule causes oxidative stress and damage to your cells, and poor performance of your cells. So the carbon 60 provides that electron completes that molecule, and then it functions properly. So almost, I mean, it's crazy, it's almost like no matter what your health issue is, they're caused by these free radicals unless it's a broken bone, or a mechanical defect, in inflammation, things like that are all caused by free radicals and pain. And so it works very good. And very quickly.
I liked that explanation. And many, many years ago, I heard someone explain what is a free radical. And I love this analogy. If you think of a fireplace, that had usually have a screen on the front of your fireplace, you're burning real wood, but let's take the screen off. Sometimes these little pops of ashes will come out of the fireplace and they will burn a tiny piece into your carpet. That's what a free radical is. It's all these little bitty electrons that are actually damaging us as they shoot through our body. And when we can capture those through some other method like maybe carbon 60, and certainly other health habits, then we're going to slow down the damage and part of aging is accumulated damage. It's not short term, it's the long term 1020 30 year damage, that and mitochondrial dysfunction, which also comes from damage to free radicals. So I love the fact that this soccer ball look, that's that is unusual in nature, I think, isn't it? Bob is the structure of carbon 60 is pretty kind of unusual.
Yeah, it was discovered in 1985. And so by 1996 has received the Nobel PLI prize the gentleman that discovered it, Smalley, croto and curl, and that's the fastest anything has been Nobel Prize before is this this molecule, and then they call them fullerenes or bucky balls after Buckminster Fuller, you remember the geodesic dome, the glass dome, this so they named it in his honor, because he was in the 50s and 60s, he was a very forward thinking architect and being this for things that make a product work and that's, you know, that's how clean it is how symmetric it is a balanced surface charge. And what's the other one, but anyways, they the bioavailability of it. So being very small. They they they have the opportunity to float around in your body and it's an oral supplement and it's comes in like a tincture. It comes in a dropper bottle, like such here, or we have a spray on which is a Michigan sprayed on your body you know either one works works very well depending what you're going after, you know, we suggest people take the oral supplement on a daily basis and use a topical as needed for topical pain it these molecules are so small they penetrate through the skin muscle bones that you put on your tongue, they start getting into your body and they get in extremely quickly and is over 100 billion carbon 60 molecules 100 over 100 billion in each serving. So they're very small and bioavailable, which makes them work and it's clean it's carbon, carbon carbon use carbon for you know activated charcoal which is basically carbon for us to cleaning up water filters. Carbon where carbon beings were naturally you know, we have carbon in our body and you know, everything that's organic has carbon in it carbon in it, you know, your plants, your your trees, your body, you know, all animals are carbon based. And part of the beauty of this is that when the carbon 60 molecule gets processed in your body, there's layers on here, like a nano onion, and these hexagons are the building blocks and Pentagon's are the bill Like Brock blocks for many of your your RNA, your DNA, many of your nucleotides and your ATP, which is your energy production, your powerhouse and your cell. And when you have this available in your body and your body doesn't have to process food to make these Pentagon's and hexagons of hexagon rings, that they're right, they're available. So that's why we see the the advantage of more energy within about about four days people taking it.
Oh, really more energy within four days, I, you know, I actually, and I'd know how to not fool my mind, I've been taking so many supplements for 43 years. And I know that the mind can play tricks on us early on with a supplement because we believe it will work. But I do have a very strong sense that I can determine that there is a difference in how I feel by the use of the carbon 60. And I know and we'll get into this a little bit. It's all about quality absorption, whether it gets into the sales or not, because I know there's companies that are not making a product that probably does that. And I know I have confidence that yours is because I looked into it very thoroughly. And before I forget it, I really liked what Dr. Lee Merritt said on the podcast about tattoos, I found that very interesting. You know, I have 18 tattoos, there is metals in those, there's some toxicity in those. It's one of the few things that I kind of went over the line with that, you know, in health wise, I probably shouldn't, but it was one of my little addictions. And she was talking about how it actually helps to detoxify some of this stuff. So it's a detox her have a lot of seemingly a lot of chemicals. And I think again, our health declines as the cup gets full, as we live of toxicity, and we have to do something, whether it's multiple things like dry heat, saunas, taking neutral nutritional supplements that help eating properly, of course, knife and fork, still the most powerful weapon. But I love these technologies where we can add something one is that's easy. This product does not even barely have a taste. No one, including children would have a problem with it. When I looked it up through traditional websites all the way from WebMD to Wikipedia, everybody says is that one, it's a safe product. I mean, there's really, maybe more studies are needed as the only thing but it appears to be very safe externally. And internally. I love seeing that. And it's I know it's going to grow in more studies as time goes on. But I've looked on There's a lot of studies on PubMed about carbon and carbon 60. Again, so energy, inflammation, anti aging, those are three big ones there. What else can we learn about this carbon 60 with your
writing with the toxins and heavy metals and everything like that people that have a Magnum, Magnum fillings in their mouth. The Mercury toxins by definition come into your body they're by definition, they're electron stealers they steal an electron, you steal too many electrons off of a molecule and it's a specific area. And if it's going to be in your liver or your kidney, you're going to have problems and so so with the carbon 60 cents or toxins or electron stealers you're deficient of an electron, the carbon 60 has an abundance of electrons. It will give up an Okta in the cemetery incense it gives up electron, it's only given up like there's about 90 electrons buzzing around the so it only gives up like one or two electrons. So that's only like, like almost like one or 2%. So it doesn't affect it. And it gives an electron to the toxin. So the toxin Corona, Allah can no longer steal an electron off of your molecule in your body. And so it basically neutralizes the toxin, so it can't do any damage. And it gives an electron to the damage that's been done. And if you look at your, your heavy metals, like your mercury and things like that, well, why are they so toxic? Well, Mercury is you know, is a pretty heavy metal, it's dense, they have more like I get a little bit of chemistry here more electrons and protons, so they have a stronger pull, they're a denser material. So with more electrons and protons and having a higher density, they can pull an electron off a molecule that's what makes them more toxic. So all of your heavy metal heavy metals work that way they're all atoms are approximately the same size with a third you know the, the ones in the top part of the Periodic Chart and that's what causes them to pull these electrons off and you know the carbon 60 Like you'd like to set it has no taste. You just put it in your mouth and or you can put it on your skin. You know, you get UV damage from the sun which also damages the free radicals. I mean it causes free radicals damages your skin by the UV and knocks electrons off. And not not only does the the the oil product, you know it's got a lot of vitamin vitamin E in it so it helps your skin overnight. If you put it on your face. Everybody will notice overnight they'll see a difference and improvement. I mean it works that quickly. These seems a small, I had I had one gentleman, he was having a seizure coming on in the back of the back of his brain. And he called me up. And so I went over to his facility. And and he said, you know, because he couldn't he couldn't drive. So I he said, I wanted to take your product. I said, what what happens if you have a seizure? Do I call 911? He said, No, it's been coming down all morning, I can feel it coming on, it's gonna be a doozy. So I want to try your product. So he took it, he put it on his tongue. And within, you know, seconds, you know, less than a minute, he blinked his eyes, shook his head. And he said, it's gone. It's a seizure stopped. I mean, it went that quickly. I mean, I mean, it unbelievably, the topical mist, I mean, I'm blown away myself the topical mess, you spray this on any muscle pain, soft tissue, it gets in there, within two minutes, your muscle pain stops, it's not a anesthetic, it basically goes on there and corrects the problem that's wrong, and stops it from happening, and causing the inflammation causing the swelling. And there's nothing that's been like this product before, like it was discovered and 85 Nobel Prize in 96, they started studying it in the early 2000. And there's one study that which kind of put it on the map was, they were trying to find a threshold, you said it was safe, which is very, it is very safe, a threshold of toxicity, the LD 50 And which is the they give like a gram to a certain amount. And if you give too much the animals die, you know, this lethal, you know, water has LD 50 You know, you give yourself too much water, you're gonna die. Okay, so they determine how much with the with 50% of the population would die. And they could not establish there was no upper limit of the carbon 60 There was no threshold for it. And, and what happened is the laboratory animals, they lived to be 90% longer lifespan almost twice as long as the lifespan and they you know, they had no no tumors or anything like that. RATS, RATS are very susceptible to tumors. And so they all the all the tumors, they just didn't have any tumors. So it works very good. And there were there been other animal studies, too, with radiation toxicity, that's a big threat right now. They gave the carbon 60 to some mice, and they then they irradiated them with a lethal dose of radiation. And it did not affect them, really, kind of the radiation bounced off of them. But basically, it didn't really bounce off of them. But the radiation as you know, ionizing radiation creates an ion, which knocks an electron off of a molecule makes it an ion. And so the carbon 60, having it in your system or with these mice, it put it back on right away. So it immediately we repaired the damage done by the missing electron.
I love that. And you know, I don't know of another nutritional product that seems to be able to be down this exact pathway. And I want to say two things. One is I remember Dr. Merritt, talking about you and her talking about the heavy metals. And I think you told a story about a person who worked at a battery company that was tested for heavy metals. I also have experienced that with many of my customers, we have a plant here and in our town, that's a battery factory. And again, if they get over a certain limit, they don't get paid because they can't work. They have to reach that limit to go back down. Well, we were using EDTA, which is a normal chelation product in oral form. It's not really easy on the stomach. It's not terribly expensive, but it's it bothers me terribly is kind of not controversial, but I don't like taking it because it really bothers me. Well, it sounds like carbon 60 can do the same thing with far more ease. And then secondly, house children that have perhaps heavy metals that might have behavioral issues all the way from autism down the line. At what age can a child start taking this?
Any age, you can take it before, you know, I've had a couple of tickets, they were on fertility drugs, they could not get pregnant, they took the carbon 62 weeks they were pregnant. Okay. Okay, so I've had I've had a couple they called me about, oh, about a year and a half ago now. And their child was three years old, they took it through the entire pregnancy before the pregnancy through the entire pregnancy. And they said I gotta tell you, we got to believe it's a carbon 60 Our child is bright alert, you know, kind of ahead of everybody else. Well, if you develop dirt with us no toxins. I mean that's you're going to develop you know the way the body you know, the way he was meant to be. And so they they were very happy and very you know, say their daughter's was three years old at the time, and she was just, you know, bright eyed and bushy tailed all the time and just advance none You know, just more alert more advanced than anybody else is that they were claiming? There's no way there's no age limit, you know, I mean, you can take this guy, I mean, it's two thirds of a dropper. The I mean, I have people data did take quite a bit of it, you know, you don't, you don't need it all. You don't need that much of it. You know, I have people drinking a half a bottle a day, which is, you know, 22 servings a day, which is kind of excessive, but you know, they wanted to attack some people with some problems. And I've had some people that do it did it excessively right at the start. And they saw some amazing results very quickly. There's one gentleman was in a car accident when he was seven years old. And he's 40 years old. And for 33 years, he had excessive pain in his neck and back, and he put it on his neck and shoulders. And within two minutes, after 33 years of excessive excessive pain, sharp pain, the pain went away. I mean, this guy was ecstatic. I mean, it was he was a happy camper. You know,
I bet and I love the fact that it's slow dose, it's safe is not is not the cheapest product around, but if something works, that's all that matters. Now I'm doing two thirds of an eyedropper twice a day, is that about the appropriate dose?
Yeah, you can do it once a day is what we suggest. But people do do it twice a day, you know, and initially, you want you probably want to start taking it in the mornings, because what will happen if you take it in the evening or started out twice a day, you may notice your brain cells a little bit more active because it's turning those molecules on, that haven't been working, they've been laying there dormant. And so when it turns them on, you know, you want to get up and do something. And if people said, Yeah, I took your product I was up to to doing my taxes. I just wanted to get up and do something in taxes, who wants to do taxes. But you know, it gives you that for me when I started taking it. And I've been doing this for 10 years, and I'm a comic carbon engineer. But we'll get into that a little bit. But I've been doing this for 10 years, and I went through a stressful time during that I had just a stressful time. Let's put it that way. But it but it allowed me to be systematic logically thinking and just say, Well, let me see, I've got to do phase one. And let me get that done. And how to do that laid it out in front of myself in front of my mind. And then phase two, let me get that done. And it was just like a simple logic, like I wasn't stressed out, I said, Well, I'm going to do A, B, and C, let's get these days, let's get these three things on. And then I'll be back on track where I need to be. So I mean, it just it gives you your your, your personal stress or emotional stress. I've had people take it that word I have we had an expo, we give a sample products that we have these little pink Baskin Robbins spoons that we give out a little tiny sample. And we hand that out to people and I had one gal that came back she said, You know, I just took your product five minutes ago, and I've been I've been under a great amount of depression because I lost two family members members in the last month. And so she took the product and she came back to me, she said, gosh, oh, my, my depression has gone away. I mean, within this was five minutes, he came back over. So I mean, the quickness of this works, it's the smallest of the particle and the bioavailability how they get around in your body, and how clean the product is. That's important. You know, like you did mention there are other other products out there. They're just not not as clean. I mean, I'm a carbon scientists for over 40 years, and I developed a process to produce clean carbon 60, and nobody else in the world has it they you know, and move it which is which is great. You know, we haven't patented it, we got a trade secret. And we don't we don't want to tell everybody how to do it, you know, we just, you know, keep keep it as a proprietary process of making the carbon 60.
I love that and I love obviously passes the brain barrier, or we wouldn't be feeling these quick effects on the mental state. And you know, the thing you said about the way that you can think more clearly as far as categorizing the plan, you know, obviously, many of us who go through difficult stressful times, sometimes we become frozen, the brain just doesn't know how to go step by step to get the job done, get the day done. And this would be so fantastic. And then lastly, before we I want to get into your history, just a little bit is your comment on we'll go back to about the parent who had the child who seemed to be developing so well. And with my two grandchildren, I've now become an observer of more children just because that's what happens when you have something change in your life. And I am not being insulting here, but a lot of children and I think part of it's due to the and I'm not anti vaccine, but I also know there's toxicities within the vaccine that's overwhelming the physical physiology and we have to use something to help counter that. And the thing is a lot of children are just they're not going to days, and they're just just kind of staring off in the gnome Lancelin are they, they just aren't clicking like what I remember children being like when I was really, when I can remember, you know, when I was five to 10 years old looking at even younger children, it seemed like a different type of species we have today and I love my my grandkids have been raised with all of the right stuff very, very sharp, they are very acute, very aware, very quick to respond. And that doesn't seem to come naturally anymore. So we need things to help us. And so get into a little bit, we got about 10 minutes how you started, what what made this miracle happened in your life that gets you into this product?
Well, as I said, I'm a mechanical engineer on materials and processes, I study materials and I study processes. And I studied carbon actually I studied in college, I was like the center hub of the Periodic Chart carbon, because it can have it has four valence electrons that it can either bond bond bond with one one bond to bond, a couple of double bonds or you know, is for electrons to bond and new which is which is unusual for a product for an element. And I studied carbon and I went into carbon fiber and graphite epoxy, I worked in the aerospace business and mainly with carbon, you know, that we use are leading edges of the like the the carbon carbon or the leading edges of the wings on the space shuttle, I worked on a shuttle tiles also, I was a program processed Process Engineer on that, for the first job that flew I controlled all the processing parameters, okay, of the shuttle tiles. And so I, you know, I'm very well process control in and we had a need, you know, I'm an inventor, basically. And, you know, and I work with, you know, some friends, and we had a need for some carbon 60. And I said, Gosh, I need some carbon 60, you know, we needed some, and I said, you know, I think I know how to make that. And I'm looking at how other people do it. And I went into a cold. And I've had a laboratory since I was eight years old. So I went into my laboratory and put some equipment together and produced a spec of it, like a period at the DoD at the end of a sentence, you know, and just a small amount of and I go, Oh, my gosh, this is gonna be difficult. So, you know, I mean, just producing the quantity and the quantity of this. And so I made a next time I ran it, I ran it and made it made a, you know, a head of a pin size, and then a BB size and then a thimble full, basically. So it took a while to scale it up, it took me about three years to scale this process up to make any appreciable quantities, but we had a thimble full of it. And so we ran some tests and did this and that and, and gave it to friends and family and I got tired of the aerospace business, because you're working on defense related contracts, which is really offensive Is there really no defense, it's mostly offense, and you're making bombs of mass destruction or, you know, parts of things that you don't even know you're working on. You know, because they only give you a certain component to work on. They don't You don't give you the whole big picture. And so you work on all these things that I said, you know, I quit the aerospace business and started into back in 1990. I started in the engineering world of making things for health and human performance. And I've done a few other things that have helped, you know, some some that are publicly known. And I'd like an altitude simulation chamber that put a cyclist on top and the Tour de France, he started winning because of that. Michael Phelps, the swimmer that won our goals, he used the same technology to advance himself by simulating a high altitude getting more red blood cells in his body. I did just another one of the projects that you know what all the springs that are the heels of running shoes, all the Nike Air and the Z coils and things like that, why I pioneered that market back in the early 90s. And that's when I started all that. And but other people knocked it off. And they put you know, different types of springs in their mind on carbon fiber springs. And they weren't very good. But yeah, I've got a diverse background in carbon and we just developed it and started to giving it to friends and family and it was start up you know, it's a bootstrap company, we I went door to door and you know, gave it to people and friends and family. And when I first was making that small, you know, small amounts is very small amounts in the laboratory. I was in there all day all day. And you know, I filled the whole room up with this black dust, you know, the carbon powder, it's so small floats on the air and I was breathing it for, you know, six or eight hours. And so I thought I might have I you know, I thought a Madame Curie myself, I thought I toxified myself I didn't know at the time. And so that evening, I went home and I got on the computer and I started reading everything I could about carbon 60 And the more I read I read for 18 months I stayed on the computer day and night. I studied I read everything I could about carbon 60 and realize that this was going to be a healing product and it's doesn't have any contaminants in it compared to some Are these other industrial grade carbon 60s, and I started just bootstrap the company and went door to door, like I said, and started selling it and, you know, just grew a business item. And we have a tremendous, tremendous company right now, I mean, a good size company, we sell quite a bit, all over the world, we ship, we ship it out daily. So
that's wonderful. And I love your story. And I love the passion. You know, people who get into something just to make money. Generally, it doesn't serve the public as well as people who know we need to make money. It's all part of the fuel for our business. But you were fueled by something more than that you saw a light at the end of the tunnel that could help mankind. And again, I go, the one thing you said about, you know, the rats live almost doubled their lifespan? No, we're not rats. And yes, we don't know what will happen in humans. We can't test humans in a quick manner. But I'm 65 years old, do you think I'm gonna wait until you test it fully, I'll be dead, I won't be here. And if it's non toxic, it has other health benefits. And it has the potential to do some of the things we've talked about, including increasing lifespan of animals to that degree, I don't know of anything else that I've seen that is really credible that has shown that much life extension for animals other than calorie deprivation that but that does it by an activation of sirtuin genes and other things that we can do. We can add all this together and make miraculous gains in our overall quality of life. So for people who want to learn more about this carbon 60 through your website, what is that? And how can they learn more?
You know, they can go to our website and the website is c dash six So it's a www dot c dash six zero Or you can call direct. You know, we have a live live operator on the phone a lot. Most of the time, I'll try to answer the phone. But our phone number is 720-600-6040. And you can call anytime there's no no problem weekends, it doesn't matter. We we like to help people. It's a quality of life that people are seeing as you get older you how you slow down, you can't get rid of those free radicals. And as people take it when they get older the quality of life. Now athletes also take it too and every athlete that has taken my product, they have performed their all time best. Really everyone first place everyone is taken is taken first place. So you get rid of the free radicals. The oxidative says to lactic acid that builds up there's a process of chain reaction that goes on to get rid of the lead to lactic acid. And you don't have delayed onset muscle soreness either after you have a hard workout. So people so your Dom's goes away delayed onset muscles.
So I love that a friend of mine, Dr. Cow and co w a n really believes that heart attacks or bade really are produced by too much lactic acid in the heart itself. And that's not medically recognized. So anything that can lower lactic acid like this could be beneficial even just for longevity purposes. And of course, the holistic Navigator is sponsored by nutrition And on that the your product will be on there under the label carbon 60 at nutrition Is there any last words of advice for anybody or anything you'd like to say before we close this episode?
No, just stay healthy, you know, be happy and you know, try the product out if you'd like to give it a shot, give me a call or send it or get out get online. I'd be glad to talk to you talk to specifically about your specific health issue. What's going on? Of course, we can go there go to, you know, mentioned mentioned mentioned health issues by name, but you know, they can't be you know, the FDA regulates us. We're a dietary supplement, we're carbon, we're not a drug. And you know, and we don't have any negative reactions, contrary indications with any medications or anything like that. We sold about 100,000 bottles, let's say somewhere in that ballpark. And I've got 13 people that don't like the product, which is nothing, you know, and they don't like it because, you know, they were too toxic. Or they were too late. Yeah, they have a you know, a reaction against toxicity. But now it's a great product, I suggest you give it a try.
I love it. I love your passion, your ethics. And I like the fact that you're available to help people if they have specific questions about the product at Nuit at nutrition We also are set up for that, but we're not the expert in carbon 60. So for that kind of question, I'm glad you gave the phone number and I'm very thankful for you and what you're doing and I'm so appreciative that you join me on the holistic navigator today, Bob.
Well go to the nutrition world everybody and get a bottle and give it a try.
All right, my friend, we will probably be talking another six months to a year or we'll be updating any new information. I've only been taking this product for two weeks, so I'm still a virgin in regard to this, but I would like to update people in six months as far as the other people we hear about so we may have you back on and all the best to you my friend.
Okay, thank you. I appreciate being on.
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Free radicals tied to many prominent health issues and diseases. Simply put, free radicals are molecules with an unpaired electron. These unstable molecules are often a byproduct of metabolism and toxin exposure and can cause significant damage in their short life by mutating genes. Thankfully, the carbon-60 molecule exists and is one of the best scavengers for free radicals.On this week’s epsiode we sit down and chat with Bob Greska of Greska’s Carbon-60. He is a mechanical engineer by trade, but in 2012 he had a breakthrough scientific discovery that resulted in an odorless and tasteless Carbon 60 based dietary supplement that can be taken orally or applied directly to the skin.Some Points Discussed:
5:06 - What is carbon-60?7:38 - The unique structure of the C-60 molecule.10:26 - Detoxification and other benefits of C-60.19:07 - At what age can you start taking C-60?21:13 - How often should you take it?Products + Resources:Greska’s C-60
Bob Greska
0:00The benefits of carbon 60 that it helps your body get rid of free radicals which are molecules in your body that are missing electrons. These molecules here they're made out of 60 carbon atoms so they're very, very small. And as you get excellent good antioxidant Zantac, subsidies and food give up electrons but the but they're very large these things are extremely small in size. So whatever your health issue is, it's most likely caused by free radicals.
Brian Strickland
0:35Everyone welcome back to the holistic navigator podcast where we believe in the body's capacity for self healing, if it's given the proper nutrients and care it deserves. My name is Brian Strickland. I'm the producer of the show. And here with me as always in studio is your host, Mr. Ed Jones. On today's episode, we sit down with Bob Brasco. Bob is a mechanical engineer by trade, but he's also the founder of grass because carbon 60 carbon 60 is a very unique molecule. And in 2012, in a scientific breakthrough discovery, Mr. gasca created a non solvent method to produce a nonclustered non crystallized contaminant free mono molecular food grade carbon 60. And while we know that's a mouthful, the really important thing to take away from carbon 16 is that it's considered to be one of the world's most efficient free radical scavengers. As a result, it Balances pH and detoxifies the entire body, at the cellular and mitochondrial levels. So with all that in mind, let's go ahead and hop into this really unique conversation about carbon 60. With Mr. Bob Cresco.
Ed Jones
1:45Thank you, and thank everyone for joining us. Again, today with the holistic navigator. I want to remind people that are very pleased we'd look last week, the holistic Navigator is in the top 1% of podcast, not in the United States, but in the world under the heading of health. And I'm very proud of that we have this should be probably 105 episodes over the past three and a half to four years. And again, it's the encyclopedia that I've really put together to help empower people to learn how to improve their health, manage their health, and to be optimally healthy, because the traditional methods today are great at treating, treating acute situations, very poor at treating chronic and we have to arm ourselves because the people that we used to trust for our health are really not being trained in this whole conversation. You know, everyone who's listened to me for a while knows that I've been around the block a lot. I've been doing this now 43 years. In fact, this January will be 44. And I love and I have a passion for the philosophy of self healing. And I reach out to people who I respect who have who are seekers, I guess I'll call the word seeker. And I love that word. Because if you're not a seeker, you're going to be a follower. And followers do less than good when it comes to health. And so today we're going to talk about something called carbon 60. With Mr. Bob Greco. Welcome to the holistic navigator, Bob.
Bob Greska
3:11Nice to be here. Thanks for having me here. And we'll get into carbon 60, and how it works and what it does and how it helps your help.
Ed Jones
3:18Absolutely. And I am a person who I guess I called and I have called myself this the universal guinea pig. If it sounds at all reasonable, and it's backed up with some credibility, I will try everything first because I feel that it's my duty as the the head honcho of this whole path to say, Hey, I did this. It worked. It didn't work. It gave me this side effect. It gave me this positive effect. Well, I heard you on Dr. Lee merits podcast when she interviewed you about the carbon 60. And before we get into how it came about and your history, I want to go ahead and just kind of focus on why would a person even want to consider this for their health because here's what I learned a little bit from that podcast and from reading your really good website. I have chronic inflammation that's tendinitis don't know where it came from. It's managed pretty well. It's not an injury. And I saw in there that the carbon 60, which is a very unusual molecule could be used to treat chronic inflammation, you said spray it on and take it internally. And I will have to say that I felt some pretty immediate immediate, maybe 30 minutes after spraying it. It took the age of my pain better than the CBD lotion and better than the other things I've been putting on. And that really triggered me to look deeper. And when I did, I realized that I have missed the boat on this carbon conversation. And I know that you know it does so many wonderful things like increase glutathione, which is part of the anti aging protocol that we really focus on. And many people are just getting some great results not only for themselves, but for their pets, which certainly means it's not placebo. What are some of the Things that people could probably look for. And then we'll explain the technology and how to use this on carbon 60.
Bob Greska
5:06Yeah, the benefits of carbon 60, that it acts as an SMD, mimetic, and it helps your body get rid of free radicals, which are molecules in your body that are missing electrons. And it does this in a very profound way. These molecules here, they're made out of 60 carbon atoms, so they're very, very small. And as you get x like an antioxidant, as antioxidants and food give up electrons, but the but they're very large, these things are extremely small in size. So whatever your health issue is, it's most likely caused by free radicals. So when you have a free radical, it's a molecule missing an electron, what the carbon 60 molecule does, is being spherical in nature, it's very, it's symmetric, so it's very structurally strong, so can give up an electron without collapsing. And that's what it does, it gives up an electron and it puts it back onto that molecule missing electron. Now, that molecule that did not know what it was, and that molecule causes oxidative stress and damage to your cells, and poor performance of your cells. So the carbon 60 provides that electron completes that molecule, and then it functions properly. So almost, I mean, it's crazy, it's almost like no matter what your health issue is, they're caused by these free radicals unless it's a broken bone, or a mechanical defect, in inflammation, things like that are all caused by free radicals and pain. And so it works very good. And very quickly.
Ed Jones
6:39I liked that explanation. And many, many years ago, I heard someone explain what is a free radical. And I love this analogy. If you think of a fireplace, that had usually have a screen on the front of your fireplace, you're burning real wood, but let's take the screen off. Sometimes these little pops of ashes will come out of the fireplace and they will burn a tiny piece into your carpet. That's what a free radical is. It's all these little bitty electrons that are actually damaging us as they shoot through our body. And when we can capture those through some other method like maybe carbon 60, and certainly other health habits, then we're going to slow down the damage and part of aging is accumulated damage. It's not short term, it's the long term 1020 30 year damage, that and mitochondrial dysfunction, which also comes from damage to free radicals. So I love the fact that this soccer ball look, that's that is unusual in nature, I think, isn't it? Bob is the structure of carbon 60 is pretty kind of unusual.
Bob Greska
7:38Yeah, it was discovered in 1985. And so by 1996 has received the Nobel PLI prize the gentleman that discovered it, Smalley, croto and curl, and that's the fastest anything has been Nobel Prize before is this this molecule, and then they call them fullerenes or bucky balls after Buckminster Fuller, you remember the geodesic dome, the glass dome, this so they named it in his honor, because he was in the 50s and 60s, he was a very forward thinking architect and being this for things that make a product work and that's, you know, that's how clean it is how symmetric it is a balanced surface charge. And what's the other one, but anyways, they the bioavailability of it. So being very small. They they they have the opportunity to float around in your body and it's an oral supplement and it's comes in like a tincture. It comes in a dropper bottle, like such here, or we have a spray on which is a Michigan sprayed on your body you know either one works works very well depending what you're going after, you know, we suggest people take the oral supplement on a daily basis and use a topical as needed for topical pain it these molecules are so small they penetrate through the skin muscle bones that you put on your tongue, they start getting into your body and they get in extremely quickly and is over 100 billion carbon 60 molecules 100 over 100 billion in each serving. So they're very small and bioavailable, which makes them work and it's clean it's carbon, carbon carbon use carbon for you know activated charcoal which is basically carbon for us to cleaning up water filters. Carbon where carbon beings were naturally you know, we have carbon in our body and you know, everything that's organic has carbon in it carbon in it, you know, your plants, your your trees, your body, you know, all animals are carbon based. And part of the beauty of this is that when the carbon 60 molecule gets processed in your body, there's layers on here, like a nano onion, and these hexagons are the building blocks and Pentagon's are the bill Like Brock blocks for many of your your RNA, your DNA, many of your nucleotides and your ATP, which is your energy production, your powerhouse and your cell. And when you have this available in your body and your body doesn't have to process food to make these Pentagon's and hexagons of hexagon rings, that they're right, they're available. So that's why we see the the advantage of more energy within about about four days people taking it.
Ed Jones
10:26Oh, really more energy within four days, I, you know, I actually, and I'd know how to not fool my mind, I've been taking so many supplements for 43 years. And I know that the mind can play tricks on us early on with a supplement because we believe it will work. But I do have a very strong sense that I can determine that there is a difference in how I feel by the use of the carbon 60. And I know and we'll get into this a little bit. It's all about quality absorption, whether it gets into the sales or not, because I know there's companies that are not making a product that probably does that. And I know I have confidence that yours is because I looked into it very thoroughly. And before I forget it, I really liked what Dr. Lee Merritt said on the podcast about tattoos, I found that very interesting. You know, I have 18 tattoos, there is metals in those, there's some toxicity in those. It's one of the few things that I kind of went over the line with that, you know, in health wise, I probably shouldn't, but it was one of my little addictions. And she was talking about how it actually helps to detoxify some of this stuff. So it's a detox her have a lot of seemingly a lot of chemicals. And I think again, our health declines as the cup gets full, as we live of toxicity, and we have to do something, whether it's multiple things like dry heat, saunas, taking neutral nutritional supplements that help eating properly, of course, knife and fork, still the most powerful weapon. But I love these technologies where we can add something one is that's easy. This product does not even barely have a taste. No one, including children would have a problem with it. When I looked it up through traditional websites all the way from WebMD to Wikipedia, everybody says is that one, it's a safe product. I mean, there's really, maybe more studies are needed as the only thing but it appears to be very safe externally. And internally. I love seeing that. And it's I know it's going to grow in more studies as time goes on. But I've looked on There's a lot of studies on PubMed about carbon and carbon 60. Again, so energy, inflammation, anti aging, those are three big ones there. What else can we learn about this carbon 60 with your
Bob Greska
12:41writing with the toxins and heavy metals and everything like that people that have a Magnum, Magnum fillings in their mouth. The Mercury toxins by definition come into your body they're by definition, they're electron stealers they steal an electron, you steal too many electrons off of a molecule and it's a specific area. And if it's going to be in your liver or your kidney, you're going to have problems and so so with the carbon 60 cents or toxins or electron stealers you're deficient of an electron, the carbon 60 has an abundance of electrons. It will give up an Okta in the cemetery incense it gives up electron, it's only given up like there's about 90 electrons buzzing around the so it only gives up like one or two electrons. So that's only like, like almost like one or 2%. So it doesn't affect it. And it gives an electron to the toxin. So the toxin Corona, Allah can no longer steal an electron off of your molecule in your body. And so it basically neutralizes the toxin, so it can't do any damage. And it gives an electron to the damage that's been done. And if you look at your, your heavy metals, like your mercury and things like that, well, why are they so toxic? Well, Mercury is you know, is a pretty heavy metal, it's dense, they have more like I get a little bit of chemistry here more electrons and protons, so they have a stronger pull, they're a denser material. So with more electrons and protons and having a higher density, they can pull an electron off a molecule that's what makes them more toxic. So all of your heavy metal heavy metals work that way they're all atoms are approximately the same size with a third you know the, the ones in the top part of the Periodic Chart and that's what causes them to pull these electrons off and you know the carbon 60 Like you'd like to set it has no taste. You just put it in your mouth and or you can put it on your skin. You know, you get UV damage from the sun which also damages the free radicals. I mean it causes free radicals damages your skin by the UV and knocks electrons off. And not not only does the the the oil product, you know it's got a lot of vitamin vitamin E in it so it helps your skin overnight. If you put it on your face. Everybody will notice overnight they'll see a difference and improvement. I mean it works that quickly. These seems a small, I had I had one gentleman, he was having a seizure coming on in the back of the back of his brain. And he called me up. And so I went over to his facility. And and he said, you know, because he couldn't he couldn't drive. So I he said, I wanted to take your product. I said, what what happens if you have a seizure? Do I call 911? He said, No, it's been coming down all morning, I can feel it coming on, it's gonna be a doozy. So I want to try your product. So he took it, he put it on his tongue. And within, you know, seconds, you know, less than a minute, he blinked his eyes, shook his head. And he said, it's gone. It's a seizure stopped. I mean, it went that quickly. I mean, I mean, it unbelievably, the topical mist, I mean, I'm blown away myself the topical mess, you spray this on any muscle pain, soft tissue, it gets in there, within two minutes, your muscle pain stops, it's not a anesthetic, it basically goes on there and corrects the problem that's wrong, and stops it from happening, and causing the inflammation causing the swelling. And there's nothing that's been like this product before, like it was discovered and 85 Nobel Prize in 96, they started studying it in the early 2000. And there's one study that which kind of put it on the map was, they were trying to find a threshold, you said it was safe, which is very, it is very safe, a threshold of toxicity, the LD 50 And which is the they give like a gram to a certain amount. And if you give too much the animals die, you know, this lethal, you know, water has LD 50 You know, you give yourself too much water, you're gonna die. Okay, so they determine how much with the with 50% of the population would die. And they could not establish there was no upper limit of the carbon 60 There was no threshold for it. And, and what happened is the laboratory animals, they lived to be 90% longer lifespan almost twice as long as the lifespan and they you know, they had no no tumors or anything like that. RATS, RATS are very susceptible to tumors. And so they all the all the tumors, they just didn't have any tumors. So it works very good. And there were there been other animal studies, too, with radiation toxicity, that's a big threat right now. They gave the carbon 60 to some mice, and they then they irradiated them with a lethal dose of radiation. And it did not affect them, really, kind of the radiation bounced off of them. But basically, it didn't really bounce off of them. But the radiation as you know, ionizing radiation creates an ion, which knocks an electron off of a molecule makes it an ion. And so the carbon 60, having it in your system or with these mice, it put it back on right away. So it immediately we repaired the damage done by the missing electron.
Ed Jones
17:56I love that. And you know, I don't know of another nutritional product that seems to be able to be down this exact pathway. And I want to say two things. One is I remember Dr. Merritt, talking about you and her talking about the heavy metals. And I think you told a story about a person who worked at a battery company that was tested for heavy metals. I also have experienced that with many of my customers, we have a plant here and in our town, that's a battery factory. And again, if they get over a certain limit, they don't get paid because they can't work. They have to reach that limit to go back down. Well, we were using EDTA, which is a normal chelation product in oral form. It's not really easy on the stomach. It's not terribly expensive, but it's it bothers me terribly is kind of not controversial, but I don't like taking it because it really bothers me. Well, it sounds like carbon 60 can do the same thing with far more ease. And then secondly, house children that have perhaps heavy metals that might have behavioral issues all the way from autism down the line. At what age can a child start taking this?
Bob Greska
19:07Any age, you can take it before, you know, I've had a couple of tickets, they were on fertility drugs, they could not get pregnant, they took the carbon 62 weeks they were pregnant. Okay. Okay, so I've had I've had a couple they called me about, oh, about a year and a half ago now. And their child was three years old, they took it through the entire pregnancy before the pregnancy through the entire pregnancy. And they said I gotta tell you, we got to believe it's a carbon 60 Our child is bright alert, you know, kind of ahead of everybody else. Well, if you develop dirt with us no toxins. I mean that's you're going to develop you know the way the body you know, the way he was meant to be. And so they they were very happy and very you know, say their daughter's was three years old at the time, and she was just, you know, bright eyed and bushy tailed all the time and just advance none You know, just more alert more advanced than anybody else is that they were claiming? There's no way there's no age limit, you know, I mean, you can take this guy, I mean, it's two thirds of a dropper. The I mean, I have people data did take quite a bit of it, you know, you don't, you don't need it all. You don't need that much of it. You know, I have people drinking a half a bottle a day, which is, you know, 22 servings a day, which is kind of excessive, but you know, they wanted to attack some people with some problems. And I've had some people that do it did it excessively right at the start. And they saw some amazing results very quickly. There's one gentleman was in a car accident when he was seven years old. And he's 40 years old. And for 33 years, he had excessive pain in his neck and back, and he put it on his neck and shoulders. And within two minutes, after 33 years of excessive excessive pain, sharp pain, the pain went away. I mean, this guy was ecstatic. I mean, it was he was a happy camper. You know,
Ed Jones
20:58I bet and I love the fact that it's slow dose, it's safe is not is not the cheapest product around, but if something works, that's all that matters. Now I'm doing two thirds of an eyedropper twice a day, is that about the appropriate dose?
Bob Greska
21:13Yeah, you can do it once a day is what we suggest. But people do do it twice a day, you know, and initially, you want you probably want to start taking it in the mornings, because what will happen if you take it in the evening or started out twice a day, you may notice your brain cells a little bit more active because it's turning those molecules on, that haven't been working, they've been laying there dormant. And so when it turns them on, you know, you want to get up and do something. And if people said, Yeah, I took your product I was up to to doing my taxes. I just wanted to get up and do something in taxes, who wants to do taxes. But you know, it gives you that for me when I started taking it. And I've been doing this for 10 years, and I'm a comic carbon engineer. But we'll get into that a little bit. But I've been doing this for 10 years, and I went through a stressful time during that I had just a stressful time. Let's put it that way. But it but it allowed me to be systematic logically thinking and just say, Well, let me see, I've got to do phase one. And let me get that done. And how to do that laid it out in front of myself in front of my mind. And then phase two, let me get that done. And it was just like a simple logic, like I wasn't stressed out, I said, Well, I'm going to do A, B, and C, let's get these days, let's get these three things on. And then I'll be back on track where I need to be. So I mean, it just it gives you your your, your personal stress or emotional stress. I've had people take it that word I have we had an expo, we give a sample products that we have these little pink Baskin Robbins spoons that we give out a little tiny sample. And we hand that out to people and I had one gal that came back she said, You know, I just took your product five minutes ago, and I've been I've been under a great amount of depression because I lost two family members members in the last month. And so she took the product and she came back to me, she said, gosh, oh, my, my depression has gone away. I mean, within this was five minutes, he came back over. So I mean, the quickness of this works, it's the smallest of the particle and the bioavailability how they get around in your body, and how clean the product is. That's important. You know, like you did mention there are other other products out there. They're just not not as clean. I mean, I'm a carbon scientists for over 40 years, and I developed a process to produce clean carbon 60, and nobody else in the world has it they you know, and move it which is which is great. You know, we haven't patented it, we got a trade secret. And we don't we don't want to tell everybody how to do it, you know, we just, you know, keep keep it as a proprietary process of making the carbon 60.
Ed Jones
23:49I love that and I love obviously passes the brain barrier, or we wouldn't be feeling these quick effects on the mental state. And you know, the thing you said about the way that you can think more clearly as far as categorizing the plan, you know, obviously, many of us who go through difficult stressful times, sometimes we become frozen, the brain just doesn't know how to go step by step to get the job done, get the day done. And this would be so fantastic. And then lastly, before we I want to get into your history, just a little bit is your comment on we'll go back to about the parent who had the child who seemed to be developing so well. And with my two grandchildren, I've now become an observer of more children just because that's what happens when you have something change in your life. And I am not being insulting here, but a lot of children and I think part of it's due to the and I'm not anti vaccine, but I also know there's toxicities within the vaccine that's overwhelming the physical physiology and we have to use something to help counter that. And the thing is a lot of children are just they're not going to days, and they're just just kind of staring off in the gnome Lancelin are they, they just aren't clicking like what I remember children being like when I was really, when I can remember, you know, when I was five to 10 years old looking at even younger children, it seemed like a different type of species we have today and I love my my grandkids have been raised with all of the right stuff very, very sharp, they are very acute, very aware, very quick to respond. And that doesn't seem to come naturally anymore. So we need things to help us. And so get into a little bit, we got about 10 minutes how you started, what what made this miracle happened in your life that gets you into this product?
Bob Greska
25:40Well, as I said, I'm a mechanical engineer on materials and processes, I study materials and I study processes. And I studied carbon actually I studied in college, I was like the center hub of the Periodic Chart carbon, because it can have it has four valence electrons that it can either bond bond bond with one one bond to bond, a couple of double bonds or you know, is for electrons to bond and new which is which is unusual for a product for an element. And I studied carbon and I went into carbon fiber and graphite epoxy, I worked in the aerospace business and mainly with carbon, you know, that we use are leading edges of the like the the carbon carbon or the leading edges of the wings on the space shuttle, I worked on a shuttle tiles also, I was a program processed Process Engineer on that, for the first job that flew I controlled all the processing parameters, okay, of the shuttle tiles. And so I, you know, I'm very well process control in and we had a need, you know, I'm an inventor, basically. And, you know, and I work with, you know, some friends, and we had a need for some carbon 60. And I said, Gosh, I need some carbon 60, you know, we needed some, and I said, you know, I think I know how to make that. And I'm looking at how other people do it. And I went into a cold. And I've had a laboratory since I was eight years old. So I went into my laboratory and put some equipment together and produced a spec of it, like a period at the DoD at the end of a sentence, you know, and just a small amount of and I go, Oh, my gosh, this is gonna be difficult. So, you know, I mean, just producing the quantity and the quantity of this. And so I made a next time I ran it, I ran it and made it made a, you know, a head of a pin size, and then a BB size and then a thimble full, basically. So it took a while to scale it up, it took me about three years to scale this process up to make any appreciable quantities, but we had a thimble full of it. And so we ran some tests and did this and that and, and gave it to friends and family and I got tired of the aerospace business, because you're working on defense related contracts, which is really offensive Is there really no defense, it's mostly offense, and you're making bombs of mass destruction or, you know, parts of things that you don't even know you're working on. You know, because they only give you a certain component to work on. They don't You don't give you the whole big picture. And so you work on all these things that I said, you know, I quit the aerospace business and started into back in 1990. I started in the engineering world of making things for health and human performance. And I've done a few other things that have helped, you know, some some that are publicly known. And I'd like an altitude simulation chamber that put a cyclist on top and the Tour de France, he started winning because of that. Michael Phelps, the swimmer that won our goals, he used the same technology to advance himself by simulating a high altitude getting more red blood cells in his body. I did just another one of the projects that you know what all the springs that are the heels of running shoes, all the Nike Air and the Z coils and things like that, why I pioneered that market back in the early 90s. And that's when I started all that. And but other people knocked it off. And they put you know, different types of springs in their mind on carbon fiber springs. And they weren't very good. But yeah, I've got a diverse background in carbon and we just developed it and started to giving it to friends and family and it was start up you know, it's a bootstrap company, we I went door to door and you know, gave it to people and friends and family. And when I first was making that small, you know, small amounts is very small amounts in the laboratory. I was in there all day all day. And you know, I filled the whole room up with this black dust, you know, the carbon powder, it's so small floats on the air and I was breathing it for, you know, six or eight hours. And so I thought I might have I you know, I thought a Madame Curie myself, I thought I toxified myself I didn't know at the time. And so that evening, I went home and I got on the computer and I started reading everything I could about carbon 60 And the more I read I read for 18 months I stayed on the computer day and night. I studied I read everything I could about carbon 60 and realize that this was going to be a healing product and it's doesn't have any contaminants in it compared to some Are these other industrial grade carbon 60s, and I started just bootstrap the company and went door to door, like I said, and started selling it and, you know, just grew a business item. And we have a tremendous, tremendous company right now, I mean, a good size company, we sell quite a bit, all over the world, we ship, we ship it out daily. So
Ed Jones
30:21that's wonderful. And I love your story. And I love the passion. You know, people who get into something just to make money. Generally, it doesn't serve the public as well as people who know we need to make money. It's all part of the fuel for our business. But you were fueled by something more than that you saw a light at the end of the tunnel that could help mankind. And again, I go, the one thing you said about, you know, the rats live almost doubled their lifespan? No, we're not rats. And yes, we don't know what will happen in humans. We can't test humans in a quick manner. But I'm 65 years old, do you think I'm gonna wait until you test it fully, I'll be dead, I won't be here. And if it's non toxic, it has other health benefits. And it has the potential to do some of the things we've talked about, including increasing lifespan of animals to that degree, I don't know of anything else that I've seen that is really credible that has shown that much life extension for animals other than calorie deprivation that but that does it by an activation of sirtuin genes and other things that we can do. We can add all this together and make miraculous gains in our overall quality of life. So for people who want to learn more about this carbon 60 through your website, what is that? And how can they learn more?
Bob Greska
31:36You know, they can go to our website and the website is c dash six So it's a www dot c dash six zero Or you can call direct. You know, we have a live live operator on the phone a lot. Most of the time, I'll try to answer the phone. But our phone number is 720-600-6040. And you can call anytime there's no no problem weekends, it doesn't matter. We we like to help people. It's a quality of life that people are seeing as you get older you how you slow down, you can't get rid of those free radicals. And as people take it when they get older the quality of life. Now athletes also take it too and every athlete that has taken my product, they have performed their all time best. Really everyone first place everyone is taken is taken first place. So you get rid of the free radicals. The oxidative says to lactic acid that builds up there's a process of chain reaction that goes on to get rid of the lead to lactic acid. And you don't have delayed onset muscle soreness either after you have a hard workout. So people so your Dom's goes away delayed onset muscles.
Ed Jones
32:50So I love that a friend of mine, Dr. Cow and co w a n really believes that heart attacks or bade really are produced by too much lactic acid in the heart itself. And that's not medically recognized. So anything that can lower lactic acid like this could be beneficial even just for longevity purposes. And of course, the holistic Navigator is sponsored by nutrition And on that the your product will be on there under the label carbon 60 at nutrition Is there any last words of advice for anybody or anything you'd like to say before we close this episode?
Bob Greska
33:22No, just stay healthy, you know, be happy and you know, try the product out if you'd like to give it a shot, give me a call or send it or get out get online. I'd be glad to talk to you talk to specifically about your specific health issue. What's going on? Of course, we can go there go to, you know, mentioned mentioned mentioned health issues by name, but you know, they can't be you know, the FDA regulates us. We're a dietary supplement, we're carbon, we're not a drug. And you know, and we don't have any negative reactions, contrary indications with any medications or anything like that. We sold about 100,000 bottles, let's say somewhere in that ballpark. And I've got 13 people that don't like the product, which is nothing, you know, and they don't like it because, you know, they were too toxic. Or they were too late. Yeah, they have a you know, a reaction against toxicity. But now it's a great product, I suggest you give it a try.
Ed Jones
34:20I love it. I love your passion, your ethics. And I like the fact that you're available to help people if they have specific questions about the product at Nuit at nutrition We also are set up for that, but we're not the expert in carbon 60. So for that kind of question, I'm glad you gave the phone number and I'm very thankful for you and what you're doing and I'm so appreciative that you join me on the holistic navigator today, Bob.
Bob Greska
34:46Well go to the nutrition world everybody and get a bottle and give it a try.
Ed Jones
34:51All right, my friend, we will probably be talking another six months to a year or we'll be updating any new information. I've only been taking this product for two weeks, so I'm still a virgin in regard to this, but I would like to update people in six months as far as the other people we hear about so we may have you back on and all the best to you my friend.
Bob Greska
35:08Okay, thank you. I appreciate being on.
Brian Strickland
35:13The information on this podcast and the topics discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA or any one of the medical profession, and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The holistic navigator assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or listener of these materials. The listing Navigator is not a doctor or does he claim to be please consult your physician before beginning any health regimen?
“Whatever your health issue is, it’s most likely caused by free radicals.”-Bob Greska