The HijiNKS ENSUE Podcast Podcast
The HijiNKS ENSUE Podcast
Joel Watson - HijiNKS ENSUE
Episode 86 – Oh No! Promotheus! - episode of The HijiNKS ENSUE Podcast podcast

Episode 86 – Oh No! Promotheus!

1 hour 3 minutes Posted Aug 30, 2012 at 9:38 pm.
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Show notes

Eli and Josh are back for some reason! 

Why do we start by talking about politics?! Eli, basically refuses to answer my questions about working on the Star Wars Kinnect game, Eli basically refuses to answer my questions about Harlem Nights, things get pretty racist concerning my reader/listener demographics, hiding your valuable in unwanted alcohol, a bit of Breaking Bad talk, Off brand Mountain Dew, P.F. Tompkins vs. P.F. Changs,  The Rack!, Brave and Cars 2, Pixar’s track record, XXX porn parodies, Anchorman 2, Dark Knight rises predictions, Rico’s Roughnecks vs. Dracula 3000, The Alien Resurrection/Firefly connection, Prometheus does not contain Predator.

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