The Hello World Podcast
The Hello World Podcast
Shawn Wildermuth
Episode 16: Lars Klint
30 minutes Posted Mar 17, 2014 at 12:16 am.
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Lars Klint suffers from split personality, as some would say. On the one hand he is a passionate programmer using the Microsoft Stack through .Net and C#. On the other hand he is a mad car guy. Lars loves to get his hands dirty and maintain his fleet of classic and off-road cars. When he is not in front of a phone, laptop, desktop or other gadget, he is out in the bush getting muddy or on a car club cruise. Lars has so far published two courses with Pluralsight: Building Windows Phone Apps that Stand Out and Windows Phone Testing and Error Management. As a frequent blogger, Lars has contributed articles to the Kiandra IT Blog, Nokia’s DVLUP portal and his own blog at, often presenting arguments that are not quite main stream, but with a dash of humour and a smidgen of cheekiness. If you want to ask Lars questions, suggest blog ideas, sell a car etc., shoot him an email or follow@larsklint on twitter.