The Haskell Cast Podcast
The Haskell Cast
Episode 14 - Richard Eisenberg on Dependent Types in Haskell - episode of The Haskell Cast podcast

Episode 14 - Richard Eisenberg on Dependent Types in Haskell

1 hour 5 minutes Posted Jun 14, 2017 at 12:00 am.
What are dependent type systems?
applying dependent types to industry
writing dependently typed programs in Haskell today
GADTs (Generalized Algebraic Data Types)
the future of dependent types in GHC
teaching dependent types
learning dependent types
a future style of Haskell programming with dependent types
Servant and opaleye as an example of type-level features
tool support for dependently typed programming
simple applications of dependent types for linear algebra
Are dependent types worth it?
complex type system errors
safe zero-cost coercions
total vs type safe
working on GHC’s type system
using GHC extensions in the GHC source code
road to Haskell
teaching Haskell to students
a hopeful future for reliable software through dependent types
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