This show is focused on the corruption of America with depravity, including alternate sexuality and pedophilia and where this is coming from. Who is doing this to America? Includes clips from Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Milo Yiannapoulos and clips from documentaries: "An Open Secret" by Amy Berg. "Boys for Sale" a documentary series on boy prostitution in Houston, Texas. Camile Lenor interview w/Glenn Beck on how she was denied a coaching position because she is straight. "Conspiracy of Silence" 1994 documentary on pedophile sex rings run out of Boys Town, Omaha, NE.
Mar 30, 2023
1 hr 19 min

Describes how legalizing porn has led to sexual predation. Once porn was legalized, within 10 years sexual predation rose to epidemic levels, so that in the early 70's America experianced an epidemic of sexual predation. This sexual predation, especially of children often leads to sexual dysphoria and drug abuse, expanding populations of LGBTs & drug addicts. Sam Black book "The Porn Circuit Covenant Eyes" to describe the effects of porn and including a New Zealand study on the effects of porn which document identical effects from drug abuse, including a study from the German Max Planck institute. Also clips from Rush Limbaugh. Gary Wilson author of "The Great Porn Experiment". Mark Collett author of "The Fall of Western Man".
Mar 30, 2023
1 hr 15 min

Describes racism and racial supremacism and includes clips from Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage, describing the real racial supremacy objective running this country.
Mar 30, 2023
59 min
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