The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
Ivey Media
Happy Hour #254: Dr. Andrea Holman
1 hour 8 minutes Posted Jul 17, 2019 at 4:00 am.
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My guest for The Happy Hour # 254 is Dr. Andrea Holman. Andrea serves as an Associate Professor of Psychology at Huston-Tillotson University where she teaches, conducts research, and gives talks and trainings around the city about race, racism and privilege and their impact on interpersonal relations. She also uses her expertise to assist foster/adoptive parents pursuing interracial adoption through the local foster agency through which she and her husband are currently licensed foster parents.

Friends, get out the pen and paper now because I'm telling you there are so many things you're going to want to write down from the show today!  Andrea and I start off talking about foster care and "naive altruism".  Andrea shares some research findings including what foster/adoptive kids say they needed most in their homes but often didn't receive. We then dive into the subject of beauty, and the value and standard that is pervasive in our culture. Andrea tells us how the words we use often communicate a person's worth with the lens of beauty, and it's so normal that we don't even realize we're doing it. You'll hear Andrea take this a step further and show us how the language we use with relationships can convey someone's value as the relationship instead of their true value a child of God. You guys, I'm still thinking about so many things from my conversation with Andrea. I'm convicted and encouraged by what Andrea's pointed out, and thankful for her wisdom and practical steps we can take to start making changes. 

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