The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
Ivey Media
Happy Hour #251: Vivian Mabuni
1 hour 10 minutes Posted Jun 26, 2019 at 4:00 am.
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My guest for The Happy Hour # 251 is Vivian Mabuni. Vivian is a national speaker and writer with a passion to share the hope and life found through intimacy with God. With 30 years of ministry experience on staff with Cru (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ), she loves teaching about the Bible and providing practical applications.

I'm so happy to welcome my friend Vivian back to the show! Vivian starts off telling us about when she became a Christian, and how she thought it might be just a phase of her teenage years. Obviously, it was not a phase and Vivian shares how the phrase, Open Hands, Willing Heart has become almost like a mantra in her life (and is the title of her newest book!). I loved hearing her speak about the freedom we experience when we loosen our grip on self-reliance and control, and instead practice obedience, dependence and surrendering to God. Vivian also opens up about what it's looked like embracing when God says "no." She reminds us, "No" is not an absence of love." Lastly, Vivian makes my momma heart weepy when she describes motherhood as "just one long goodbye", but I loved hearing her wise words about sending off our children well.

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