The Gret Glyer Podcast Podcast

The Gret Glyer Podcast

Gret Glyer
High-resolution discussions about global issues from DonorSee founder, Gret Glyer.
#43 - The Roberts on driving to Guatemala in a truck while 6 months pregnant
Rose is due any day now! We were lucky enough to get an interview with them before their baby comes. You'll love getting to know this amazing couple who recently drove from Pennsylvania to Guatemala in a truck. Support the Roberts: DonorSee profile: Help their security needs:
Mar 4, 2021
32 min
#42 - Following up on my lockdown predictions
I was again interviewed by Josh Vankooten. In this episode, I follow up on my earlier episode predicting what would happen with lockdowns. Let's see what I got right...and how I'm responding to it. Links: Blog post Nutrition projects on DonorSee
Sep 22, 2020
45 min
#41 - Two friends empower women with education
Listen to Annabelle and Lu share the story about how they became friends and decided to work together to address the gender education gap in Malawi. Support women's education in Malawi:
Sep 21, 2020
33 min
#40 - Malnutrition doubles in Liberia
This is a unique episode in that I give an extended introduction, given the circumstances with lockdowns. Dr. Mikey is truly a hero and it was an honor to hear about the life saving work he's doing in Liberia. Support Dr. Mikey's project:
Jun 18, 2020
23 min
#39 - FIRED UP about lockdowns in poor countries
I was interviewed on the Coronacast podcast by Josh VanKooten. Here is his summary: "In this episode, I speak with DonorSee Charity’s Founder and CEO Gret Glyer to discuss the impact that government lockdowns have had on the impoverished population of Africa. Gret explains why the poorest class of people in Africa, who live on less than $3 a day, have been severely impacted by the lockdowns and why they need them lifted now. Gret also explains how he became so passionate about this issue and why it led him to start his charity DonorSee." Please support my friend Josh by checking out his podcast directly:
May 28, 2020
50 min
#38 - Lockdowns and COVID-19 around the world: a panel discussion
This is a panel discussion with Georgina, Margot, and Jill who are currently on-the-ground in Tanzania, Liberia, and Uganda (respectively). Support them and others on the front lines of serving the global poor during this time at Jill's work: Margot's work: Georgina's work: 
May 21, 2020
52 min
#37 - Margot Biggs on starting a COVID-19 ward, giving to beggars, and her life in Africa
Margot Biggs is a wonderful soul who deeply cares about everyone she meets. She recently found a man who was lying in agony on the side of the road - everyone else was passing him by - but she stopped and helped. I hope you enjoy meeting this nurse fighting on the front lines of COVID-19 in Liberia. Support Margot's work:
Apr 29, 2020
33 min
#36 - Maureen Forrest on COVID-19 in India and Starting a Hospital in the Slums of Kolkata
Maureen Forrest is a DonorSee Partner and the founder of the HOPE Foundation working in the slums of Kolkata, India. In this interview, she explains that her hospital was started more than 20 years ago after seeing the deep need of India's poorest. Her hospital currently works with Mother Teresa's center nearby. Support HOPE Hospital prepare for COVID-19 (they need it):
Apr 23, 2020
27 min
#35 - Paul Chinchen on growing up in Africa, COVID-19, and the education gap
Paul Chinchen (DonorSee Partner: and President of African Bible Colleges, provides a very timely interview amidst a worldwide lockdown. He sheds light on how COVID-19 will impact the world's poorest people, what it was like to grow up in Liberia, and also the massive higher-level education disparity. You have a ton to learn from this man who was a mentor of mine during my first year in Malawi in 2013.   Watch the interview on YouTube:
Apr 18, 2020
36 min
#34 - Interview with doctor bracing for COVID-19 in Africa
Dr. Trish is a pediatric oncologist in Tanzania who is working on getting the supplies she needs to brace for the impact of COVID-19. listen till the end for a virtual tour of her hospital. Support Dr. Tirsh: Watch this episode on YouTube:
Mar 30, 2020
24 min
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