The Great Black North Podcast Podcast

The Great Black North Podcast

Devon, Robert & Simon
Podcast by Devon, Robert & Simon
GBN Episode 25: Black Men Bruised yet Beautiful
Happy 1 year anniversary to us! On this episode, we discuss some of the inequalities in black community, regarding LGBTQ and women. We look at who is at a point of privilege and who isn't. Also, we touch on the new beard game group which has gone viral on Facebook. And for our good news, after 5 generations have gone, black Scotians have finally been given the rights to the land they already owned. Joining us this week, on our 1 year anniversary episode is Allia Janay Christie! Good News:
Oct 10, 2017
1 hr 6 min
GBN: Episode 26 Black Men's body image
On this episode, we talk about black male body image. In the hot seat, we have Great Black North co-host Robert Mulolo along with returning guest, Arnold Flowers and new to the Great Black North, Ian Andre Espinet. Each will speak on the motivation to their work outs, their goals, their pasts and even on the ideal body they would like on a partner. Host Devon MD Jones moderates the exchange.
Oct 10, 2017
1 hr 7 min
GBN Episode 22: Twenty (..or maybe just 14) Questions!
Your hosts Robert & Devon play 20 Questions to help you to get to know us a little bit better. Though we didn't make to 20 ( 7 each for a total of 14) we still shared ALOT. We'd love to hear your answers too, so here are the questions: 1. What is the most valuable thing that you own? 2. How would you describe a perfect day? 3. If you could go back 5 years in your life, what advice would you give yourself? 4. What is your biggest fear? 5. What makes you feel most fulfilled? 6. If you could choose a super power, which would you choose? 7. What would you like to create in the world that doesn’t exist, that you would endure personal sacrifice to bring to life?
Aug 17, 2017
40 min