The Geneva Learning Foundation Podcast
The Geneva Learning Foundation
The Geneva Learning Foundation
Session 5 Action plan presentations (19 July 2022): WHO course on Comprehensive VPD Surveillance - episode of The Geneva Learning Foundation podcast

Session 5 Action plan presentations (19 July 2022): WHO course on Comprehensive VPD Surveillance

1 hour 36 minutes Posted Jul 19, 2022 at 5:01 pm.
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Session 5 Action plan presentations (19 July 2022): WHO Scholar Level 2 certification course on Comprehensive Vaccine-Preventable Disease Surveillance
This advanced course will focus on the implementation of the global strategy for comprehensive VPD surveillance at country level to ensure that country VPD surveillance systems are comprehensive, high-quality, and sustainable to detect and confirm cases and outbreaks and generate usable information to guide public health response and programme planning.
This interactive online course is targeted at:
* VPD surveillance and immunization programme staff working in Ministries of Health (MOH) at national and sub-national levels, and
* Staff working at WHO country offices, partner agencies, and universities that provide technical support to country MOH VPD surveillance and immunization programmes.
The course is most suitable for those directly supporting national VPD surveillance and immunization programme management and planning.
Laboratory staff whose tasks include VPD testing are also encouraged to apply.
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