God Attachment Healing Podcast

God Attachment Healing

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Hi everyone! Welcome to the God Attachment Healing Podcast. I'm your host, Sam Landa. This podcast is dedicated to Christians who want to understand why they relate to God in the way they do. I explore how our early childhood relationship with our parents--specifically with how they met or did not meet our needs--influences how we relate to ourselves, the church, and to God. Because much of the pains and struggles of life are intertwined in these three areas, I discuss with my guests how we can find healing from the pain, confusion, doubt, and anger experienced in these relationships. If you're interested in learning more about your attachment style and how to heal from the pain you’ve experienced in the relationships mentioned above, then this podcast is for you. Welcome to the show! I'm happy you're here!
How to Cope with Loss by Grieving with God and Trusting Him in the Process w/ Tyler Cooper
The process of grieving looks different for everyone. It does not always look the way we want it to look, nor does it always follow the stages in the exact order in which it is presented. I think we can all agree that there are different types of suffering that bring on different levels of pain, and there is no greater pain a parent can experience than the loss of a child.  And with that pain, comes the experience of grieving which brings up the question for us as believers, do we grieve differently than non-believers do? How can we trust God through the grieving process?   On today's episode, Tyler and I discuss why this topic is so important to Christians who have experienced loss, but especially for parents who have lost a child I also discuss the following topics: How Tyler and his parents came to faith in Jesus ChristWhat parents can teach us about Who God isMost of Christian life is "caught not taught" by what we see in our parentsExperiencing the loss of a childHow rare talking about miscarriages isExperiencing grief by going from denial to angerNegative messages that enter our minds and hearts during lossThe need for Christian communityThe ministry of presenceWas coping with the first loss worse than the second?God is sovereign over allBelieving "It's my fault" and "Is God punishing me?" Lastly, If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected] are some resources Tyler Cooper mentioned:Dark Clouds, Deep MercyHeavenYou Asked Podcast Remember to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms. If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode!Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
May 17, 2023
54 min
How Guilt and Shame Affect Our Relationship with God - Episode 63
Guilt and shame are probably the most common emotions we experience in our fallen nature. It has been a prevalent issue since the fall of Adam and Eve. Shame and guilt can cripple us from accepting forgiveness and moving forward in the plans and calling that the Lord has called us to, and it significantly affects how we relate to God and others in our lives.   On today's episode, I discuss why this topic is important and how it is relevant to Christians's relationship with God.  I also discuss the following topics: Distinguish the difference between guilt and shameReference OT and NT examples of people in the Bible who experienced both emotionsDiscuss and elaborate on the sources of shameful thinkingMention some common shame messages people haveProvide some antidotes to shame andLastly, explore what steps we can begin to take manage our guilt and shame.If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected] Remember to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms. If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode!Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
May 3, 2023
45 min
How to Know God More Intimately Through Scripture, Prayer and Community w/ Charles Reynolds - Episode 62
Having copious amounts of information about God is not the same as KNOWING God. Knowing God is much more than knowledge, but having the knowledge is a good start. For those of us who grew up in the church, we often take for granted how being brought up in the church has given us a foundation of knowing God at a cognitive level. However, as we get older, we move that understanding to a more intimate understanding of God as our faith is tested through the fire and trials of life. In essence, we experience God at a deeper level that we would never have experienced had we not gone through the suffering needed to conform us into the image of Christ.    On today's episode, Charles Reynolds and I discuss the importance of Scripture, prayer and Christian community to know God intimately.  We also discuss the following topics: Why we should study Scripture,How God views us individually and collectively as humankind, Sharing verses of encouragement that help us know God deeper,Defining prayer,Exploring what we should pray for, What prayer does for us as believers,What we should look for in Christian community, Why church and community is important, andLastly, what our responsibility is to that communityCheck out Charles's podcast "Hired by God" on Youtube here.If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected]  Remember to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms.  If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode!Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
Apr 26, 2023
48 min
Accepting God's Forgiveness and Learning How to Extend it to Others w/ Dr. Jichan Kim - Episode 61
We all need forgiveness. Forgiveness is a key factor in receiving the gift of salvation. Jesus forgives our sins when we repent from them and turn towards Him. Jesus forgave the most heinous of sins, including the past, present and future ones. The Bible says that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins" (1 John 1:9). But even though this is a hallmark of the Gospel, it is probably one of the most difficult for Christians to accept and practice.    On today's episode, Dr. Jichan Kim and I discuss the difficulties in accepting God's forgiveness as well as extending it to those who have hurt us deeply.   We also discuss the following topics: Do we need to forgive ourselves before we can accept God’s forgiveness, or are self-forgiveness and accepting God’s forgiveness separate concepts?What are the greatest barriers to self-forgiveness or accepting God’s forgiveness?How do we know we are forgiven by God?What is the measuring stick for know if we have forgiven others?Are there different stages of forgiveness?How do we distinguish between forgiveness and reconciliation, because these two principles are often conflated?What does “loving the person” who hurt us look like after we forgive them?What are the greatest barriers to forgiving others? Lastly, what does the Bible say about forgiveness? If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected]  Remember to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms.  If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode!Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
Apr 19, 2023
55 min
How the Gospel Brings Healing to the Most Tragic Experiences of Life w/ Cyrus Mad-Bondo - Episode 60
Tragedies in life often move us to question God's goodness. It's natural and understandable to have that response.  However, as we'll learn today, God is always working in the background to bring beauty from ashes. He is always in control. He always knows what He will be doing with the pain we experience and will use our suffering to bring glory to his name. On today's episode, Cyrus and I discuss how the tragedy of the genocide in Rwanda, the process of forgiveness, and his personal testimony of how God used the death of his daughter to be a blessing to orphans in Central Africa. We also discuss the following topics: - The genocide in Rwanda- Forgiveness is an ongoing work- Rwanda makes forgiveness a core value of their culture- Families and offenders reconcile- The power of God's Word in helping us forgive- What forgiveness looks like- A pastor's testimony- The cost of Jesus going to the cross in order to forgive our sins- Cyrus shares his testimony of when he and his wife lost his daughter- Lastly, how God used this to help him open up an orphanage called Irene's Home of HopeIf you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected] to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms.If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode!Support the showSupport the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
Apr 12, 2023
1 hr 3 min
Learning How to Address Trauma and Healing in the Church w/ Sharon Wegman - Episode 59
Most individuals, at some point in their lives, have experienced a form of trauma. Some experience trauma related to natural disasters and events that they have no control over, while others experience interpersonal trauma which involves intentional and/or unintentional damage to a person's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. When it's all of these together, it causes significant damage to a person's overall well-being. On today's episode, Sharon and I discuss how the pastors and leaders can address trauma and healing within the church using a trauma-informed approach. This includes using a biblical worldview, but focuses on understanding the physiological and emotional effects that trauma has on the body. God created our bodies with the ability to heal themselves, but He also included a huge part of that trauma healing to include having safe and secure relationships within the body of Christ. May we continue to foster these types of relationships in our Christian communities to bring healing to those hurting within the church. We also discuss the following topics: - What is trauma and what does it look like? - God's alarm system- Different responses to trauma- Biblical examples of traumatized individuals- How safety and security heals trauma- How to provide people language for their trauma- Lastly, what the church and pastors can do to help. If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected] to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms.If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode! :)Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
Apr 5, 2023
45 min
Discussing Modern Christianity, Suffering and Waiting on God w/ Spencer Nakamura - Episode 58
Suffering in life is inevitable. The Scriptures teach us in John 16:33b that "...In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Jesus prepares our heart for suffering by making us aware that it is coming, but how do we actually respond when it does come? On today's episode, Spencer and I discuss how Christianity in Western culture has had an imperfect or one-sided view of God that has impacted how they view suffering in their lives. Is it all really worth it? Will God really use this for my good? How long do I have to wait to see the Lord's hand in the midst of my suffering? There are a lot of questions that, we as Christians, ask when we're suffering, but Spencer alludes to the fact that we might not know the answer to the "Why?" of our suffering, but it is important that we remain obedient and patient in the process to see God work in our lives. He will change our hearts in the process. We also discuss the following topics: - The need for both truth and grace- The reality of suffering- The purpose of suffering- Eliminating the tension of suffering and wrestling with God- How to manage our emotions during suffering - Lastly, waiting on God's timing to show us the purpose of suffering If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected] to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms.If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode! :)Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
Mar 29, 2023
1 hr
How the Mormon Church Influenced My View of God w/ Madison Palica - Episode 57
One of the key factors that influences how we view God, outside of how our parents view God and the church, is the type of religious background we grew up in. Mormonism, in particular, has a strong impact on the people who are part of it. They are often taught that they can become a god and, if that's the case, On today's episode, Madison Palica and I discuss what it was like for her to grow up in the Mormon church. She discusses the struggles and difficulty in needing to deconstruct to truly understand who God is. However, this led her down a path of trying out different religious and spiritual practices that led her further away from God. Thankfully, Jesus opened her eyes and she gave her life to Him a few years ago. We mainly discussing the following topics: - What it was like for her to grow up in the Mormon church- What damaging views the Mormon church has- What it was like for her to deconstruct her Mormon faith- Not deemed worthy enough to enter the temple- Believing that God is emotionally abusive- Turning to other religions and unhealthy spiritual practices - new age, witchcraft, meeting with a medium, crystals, psychedelics, spirit guides, transcendentalism- And lastly, what Madison has learned about Jesus since she was savedIf you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected] to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms.If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode! :)Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
Mar 22, 2023
58 min
God the Father Gives Us Perfect Love and Grace w/ Dr. Josh Waltman - Episode 56
Our parents play a key role in our understanding of who God is and how we can relate to Him. Fathers, in particular, play a key role because we refer to God as our Father so the model and example that they set for us really gives us a foundation for we think God feels and thinks about us. On today's episode, Dr. Josh Waltman and I discuss how becoming fathers has given us a greater understanding of God's love and grace for us. Since both of us grew up in strong, conservative Baptist backgrounds, we share how that gave us a strong desire to stand up for the truth of God's Word, but that it also may have blinded us from being able to see God's grace and love towards us and all humanity. We mainly discussing the following topics: - What have we learned about God since becoming fathers? - What was it like to group in a Southern Baptist churches? - We share experiences of how God has shown his grace and love in our own lives- How we can show grace and love to our children while also helping them orient that grace and love with truth- Lastly, we share the importance of understanding the Gospel to have a complete understanding of God's truth, love and grace. If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected] to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms.If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode! :)Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
Mar 22, 2023
1 hr 2 min
What is God Attachment? - Episode 55
So, what is this podcast about? This is a podcast dedicated to helping Christians understand why they relate to God in the way they do. I explore how our early childhood relationship with our parents--specifically with how they met or did not meet our needs--influences how we relate to ourselves, the church, and to God.On today's episode, I discuss the purpose of starting this podcast. I share with you some personal experiences that taught me about how I related to God and how much of it was influenced by my relationship with my parents. Seeing how my parents related to God and the church set a foundation for me to build on, but there were a lot of lessons I had to learn on my own to understand how I related to God, the church, and myself. I'll be discussing the following: - What is attachment theory and who developed it?- What role do our parents have in our understanding of relationships? - How their influence in understanding those relationships also impacts the way we relate to God- How to understand and rewrite your story- Lastly, I'll provide some practical steps you can take to understand your attachment style to better your relationship with God. If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to  email me at [email protected] to please LEAVE A REVIEW for the podcast as it helps get the word out to a larger audience, and remember to SUBSCRIBE and/or follow on Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, GooglePlay, and all other podcast platforms.If you're on Facebook and/or Instagram, I'd greatly appreciate it if you SHARE this episode! :)Support the showFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:@godattachmenthealingFOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:God Attachment HealingABOUT ME 👇My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!
Mar 22, 2023
25 min
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