Nate and Robbie make breakthroughs, gain perspective and enjoy a great conversation. https://gcprocess.org/
Oct 14, 2021
59 min

You know when you find yourself knowing exactly what you need to do, or want to do, but you can't just follow through and take action? It happens to everyone, but there are things that we can change in our mindset to get out of this to do the things we would like to do, and be the person we would like to be..
Sep 20, 2021
59 min

To be disciplined is to do the things that we don't want to do so we can achieve the goals that we care about. We all have goals, and we'll all always have goals, so why don't we work towards them? As humans there are many things that divert us from doing directly what we would like to do. This is what we speak about, and give our advice on building consistency in doing displeasing things that ultimately enrich us. We also talk about the importance of trying new things, being open minded and more.
Sep 6, 2021
20 min

Journaling has been a great catalyst for the growth of my life. It has helped me build good character, achieve my goals, learn about myself, discover who I want to be, and just learn lessons. Not only has journaling helped me grow, but so has practicing gratefulness. Understanding that things can always be worse and building perspective in life have helped me enjoy what I have and help me find happiness.
Aug 23, 2021
10 min

Today we speak with Channing Traylor who is our friend, as well as content creator and streamer. We speak about his come up on social media, life advice/lessons and more.
Aug 16, 2021
53 min

The five things/rules/keys are a set of actions that can help you find joy and happiness, conquer your mind, deal with struggles, live well, and grow. If you focus on getting the proper amounts of each, you can create a baseline of great living and be able to get through anything.
Aug 13, 2021
13 min

Regardless of who or what you’re around, focusing on yourself and the things that truly matters to you can help you turn your dreams for yourself into reality. Getting to a point where you’re in your own lane getting better than your prior self and leveling up. If you focus on others you’ll get bitter, if you focus only on you, you’ll get better.
Aug 2, 2021
33 min

As technology continually becomes a larger part of our lives, it's important that we exercise proper moderation and learn to find balance between technology and everything outside of that. We talk about how important it is to be mindful of our phone use, going without a phone for one month, and things to do to build healthy relationships with our phones.
Jul 26, 2021
19 min

From our past to the present, we go into how we have transformed our lives. Going from being down, lacking confidence and character, and feeling like we had the worst luck, to seeing where we wanted to be and growing physically and mentally, small change by small change, building momentum.
Jul 19, 2021
24 min

From the halls of our school, to the friends and faces in our life, starting as just fun and games and later becoming something meaningful and a reflection of the way we life. GC has grown side by side with us.
Jul 12, 2021
15 min