the gap pod Podcast

the gap pod

the gap pod
Relateable chat exploring topics young people experience! We are three friends currently on our gap year before university, navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a pandemic, entering young adulthood and education! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at @thegappod on instagram for more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
#10 eldest immigrant daughter struggles ft. a special guest!
This  summer episode delves into the difficulties of being the eldest  daughter in an immigrant family. More of a heavy episode on gender class  and familial pressure which has been burdensome in many ways like the  difficult nature of moving from your extended family leaving parents  uncertainty leading to parents relying on a child more than they should.  This makes young eldest daughter to be forced to grow up sooner than  the other people their age. We are three best friends currently on our gap year now going to  university, navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood.   Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a  gap year in a pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank  you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and   visit us at @thegappod on Instagram for more, and if you would like us  to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at  [email protected]!
Nov 12, 2021
1 hr 31 min
#9 imposter syndrome - being underestimated and experiencing racism
WE ARE BACK! Here is an ep on imposter syndrome! As children of immigrants in UK schools, we definitely felt like imposters from other’s interactions with us. We delved into our current relationship with feeling out of place and struggling with dealing with others in educational and professional environments! How have you dealt with imposter syndrome? We are three best friends currently on our gap year before university, navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at @thegappod on Instagram for more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
Jul 18, 2021
42 min
#8 social media! networking, body image, and mental health
Welcome to this episode where we navigate our way through our journeys with social media! From our personal stories of how we use social media, to how sometimes we need to be aware of social media influences the way we think and engage with all the other part of lives. We are three best friends currently on our gap year before university, navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at @thegappod on Instagram for more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
Apr 24, 2021
1 hr 32 min
#7 Jess O’Logbon Interview: uni success, medical gap year, book writing process and advice
We spoke to the amazing Jess O’Logbon, a KCL medical student. She is a medicine influencer with her blog ‘Progress with Jess’ Where she has debuted an eBook on relocating to practise medicine across the globe with contributions for doctors and surgeons from USA, Dubai and more. After dealing with rejection, Jess reapplied with her amazing grades and went on to enjoy an exciting gap year travelling to see other healthcare systems. She had a gap year where she worked as a Healthcare Assistant in a busy London hospital and went abroad for work experience in the Dominican Republic to see the healthcare there. Now in university, she is passionate about widening participation for the KCL extended medical programme for state school students. Jess is a leader awarded Powerlist Media’s Top 150 Future Leaders Award and was invited to a meeting in 10 Downing Street to help ethnic minorities as well as many other achievements! We delved into her story of success in medical school and got her wonderful advice for anyone thinking of a gap year! Jess’ blog and eBook:  Jess' Instagram :  .......................  We are three best friends currently on our gap year before university, navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at @thegappod on Instagram for more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
Apr 1, 2021
49 min
#6 atomic habits! CEO productivity, discipline vs motivation, and veganism!
Habits! Welcome to this episode where we discussed the powerful influence of habits! From Elisa’s summary of ‘Atomic Habits’, the self help book by James Clear, to Leah’s new journey into veganism and plant based eating. We built habit structures to reduce difficulty and get through those 28 days to build a strong routine. Discipline vs motivation: how can we remain consistent in the harder things in life? Are all the CEOs morning routines worth the effort of waking up at 4am and meditating or is it from their position of privilege already? Decision fatigue can not cripple us so it does seem the to-do lists and bullet journals are in order! Reading as a habit to learn from others’ mistakes: is there still value reading fiction or is this the time to transition to nonfiction: memoirs, academic literature, historical, philosophy, social commentary; or are all of these themes also present within YA fiction, amongst the beautiful descriptive writing and energetic plotline? We hope this episode inspires you to build some new habits and break some bad ones! We are three best friends currently on our gap year before university, navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at @thegappod on Instagram for more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
Mar 19, 2021
58 min
#5 money: stocks, scholarships and saving accounts! investing for teenagers
Hi! In this episode, we talk about MONEY! We discuss all on part-time jobs, saving accounts, consumerism in young people with designer brands! The average millionaire has 6/7 streams of income so we discussed our thoughts on passive income like Etsy and creative hobbies. We moved on to the big one! Stocks and investing! Gamestop and the hedge funders have recently increased visibility on stocks for young people, who on Reddit Wall Street Bets, caused them to lose billions from shorting the stock! We also talk about uni debts, student loans, bursaries, applying to scholarships as well as the medicine standard undergraduate degree, medical school, masters etc. Leah Rebecca’s video explaining stocks: Freetrade:  get a free stock worth £3-200 when you deposit! Hope this helps make finances more relatable!!! Let's get that generational wealth! We are three best friends currently on our gap year before university, navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at @thegappod on Instagram for more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
Mar 4, 2021
53 min
#4 friendship: quality vs quality, long distance and growing apart after school
Hello and welcome to the fourth episode of the gap pod! In this episode, we talk about friendship! Friendship is a very important relationship we have in our lives that helps to build us and shape us into who we are. Join us as we navigate our way through the topic of friendship, where we will be talking about how the dynamics of our own friendships have changed throughout different stages of childhood and our teenage years, as well as some advice on how to maintain a strong friendship even when it's long-distance. We discuss and share all our experiences on friendship from dealing with conflict and disagreements to finding your non-negotiables when it comes to a good friend. We hope our discussion in this episode can help you reflect on your own friendships and what are the greatest friendship qualities you and your friends find within each other. Please enjoy!   We are three best friends currently on our gap year before university, navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at @thegappod on Instagram for more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
Feb 18, 2021
58 min
#3 entering young adulthood
Hello and welcome to the third episode of the gap pod! In this episode, we talk about our experiences so far as teenagers having just entered into the semi-adulting world. We are fast-approaching the end of our teenage years and we thought it would be fun to sit down and have a nice little chat about how we're all finding our introductions to the young adult world so far. It's both an exciting but also a scary stage of life as we adapt to a lot of change and try to navigate and make sense of everything that is happening around us. We hope our dicussion in this episode can bring you a different perspective and insight into being a young adult right here right now, we hope this episode will help you to think about how you envisioned your beginning into young adulthood to be. Please enjoy! We are three best friends currently on our gap year before university,  navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
Feb 10, 2021
41 min
#2 twenty-before-20 bucket list dreams: travel, swimming and body image
Hello! In this episode, we discuss our twenty-before-twenty bucket lists. As we are approaching the end of our teenage years, we thought it would be fun to write out bucket lists to help guide us and help us plan what we want to achieve before the age of twenty. Everyone is on a different personal journey which makes our bucket lists uniquely different from another. We hope this episode gives a fun light-hearted insight into our personal goals big and small as well as perhaps giving you some ideas for writing your bucket lists too!  We are three best friends currently on our gap year before university,  navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood, and even dating! Thank you for listening to today's episode! Subscribe, leave a review and visit us at more, and if you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them in at [email protected]!
Feb 1, 2021
58 min
#1 gap year in a pandemic! meet the pod hosts and our thoughts on the covid job market!
Hii! This is a podcast episode on our experience having our gap year in a pandemic and how we’ve made the best of a bad situation ranging from our experience in the difficult job market right now and how we are keeping postive with all our plans changed! We speak on how our friendship bloomed and how excited we are for this podcast! We are three friends currently on our gap year before university,  navigating our way through the journey of young adulthood. Each week we  fill in the gap on a wide range of topics from having a gap year in a  pandemic, entering young adulthood and even dating! Subscribe,  leave a review and visit us at more, and if  you would like us to fill in the gap on your questions, please send them  in at [email protected]!
Jan 20, 2021
32 min
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