Fink - The "It Isn't Until It Is" Podcast Podcast

Fink - The "It Isn't Until It Is" Podcast

In which Fin, Guy and Tim, aka FINK, discuss all aspects of a life in music. Season Two leads up to the release of their new album Beauty In Your Wake, while Season One is dedicated to discussions re: the first ten years of Fink, 2005-2015, to accompany their autobiography IIUII, and the retrospective re-recorded collection of the same name.
FINK S3, E5: Tour Diaries - From Vilnius to Lausanne
The Fink tour thunders along from Lithuania, via Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and Switzerland, with a short ill-fated stop in Slovenia. Hear from all the team about how it's going... Artwork by from an original photo by Sophie Wagner Edited by Tim Thornton. Thanks to Ash Gibbons. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D and Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink's new album Beauty In Your Wake is out now, and we're on tour in Europe, Australia and North America throughout 2024 and 2025... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Oct 25, 2024
26 min
FINK S3, E4: Tour Diaries - A Team Prepares
And we're off... a bus tour preparation episode, with interviews with all the team as we head off into the unknown... or sometimes, the known all too well... Artwork by Edited by Tim Thornton. Thanks to Ash Gibbons. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D and Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink's new album Beauty In Your Wake is out now, and we're on tour in Europe, Australia and North America throughout 2024 and 2025... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Oct 13, 2024
26 min
FINK S3, E3: Tour Diaries, South of France & Barcelona
Fin and Tim recline in their chilly autumn home settings and reflect on the end of their sun-soaked Mediterranean tour... before heading back out once again! Artwork by from an original photo by Béa Jouy @beajouy.photographe Edited by Tim Thornton. Thanks to Ash Gibbons and Finnegan Tui Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D and Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink's new album Beauty In Your Wake is out now, and we're on tour throughout 2024... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Oct 5, 2024
34 min
FINK S3, E2: Tour Diaries, Portugal & Spain
This time we're in Valencia, Spain, having just played a smackdown of a show in Madrid, and before that two great gigs in Portugal. Join us to hear the never ending struggles to find a decent iron, cling film, gaffa tape and a venue load-in not down three flights of concrete steps. Artwork by from an original photo by Damien Gallès @dgallesphoto. Edited by Tim Thornton. Thanks to Ash Gibbons, Finnegan Tui, Gennaro Serra and Andrew Brown. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D and Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink's new album Beauty In Your Wake is out now, and we're on tour throughout 2024... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Sep 25, 2024
37 min
FINK S3, E1: Tour Diaries, Italy & Switzerland
Our podcast returns, and this time we're coming to you from... wherever we are on the road. Join us as we kick back in a vine-covered garden in Northern Italy and hear stirring tales of hot gigs, long drives, ferries, questionable hotels and Fin's constant battle to get his simple but specific rider needs met... Artwork by from an original photo by Silvano Ancelotti. Edited by Tim Thornton. Thanks to Ash Gibbons and Silvano Ancelotti. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D and Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink's new album Beauty In Your Wake is out now, and we're on tour throughout 2024... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Sep 14, 2024
37 min
FINK S2, E6: Cornwall & other stories
In this, the final episode of Fink's second podcast season, we arrive at... what else?... the making of our soon-to-be-released new album, Beauty In Your Wake, recorded in a place with no shortage of beauty... Cornwall. Artwork by from an original photo by Lisa Wassmann. Edited by Tim Thornton. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D and Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink release new album Beauty In Your Wake on July 5th, and are on tour throughout 2024... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Jun 26, 2024
43 min
FINK S2, E5: Health On Tour
It's the penultimate episode of the season and we dig into HEALTH ON TOUR... what keeps you going, what keeps you healthy, what keeps you sane, and what does not. Artwork by from an original photo by Tommy N Lance. Edited by Tim Thornton. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D and Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink release new album Beauty In Your Wake on July 5th, and are on tour throughout 2024... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Jun 12, 2024
49 min
FINK S2, E4: Life After Covid (The Elephant In The Room)
We hate to be reminded of it... but sometimes we have to talk about it. Fin, Tim and Guy reflect on how music life and the music world might have changed - or not - since that strangest of reset buttons, the Covid pandemic. Artwork by from an original photo by Andre Gaspar. Edited by Tim Thornton. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D and Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink release new album Beauty In Your Wake on July 5th, and are on tour throughout 2024... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠⁠
May 29, 2024
42 min
FINK S2, E3: Chasing The Demo
For Episode 3 we delve into the Fink demo archives to investigate what happens when a beloved demo of a new song is recorded for real... why sometimes it's a success and sometimes not, and why certain producers don't believe that a "demo" even exists. Artwork by from an original photo by Tommy N Lance. Edited by Tim Thornton. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D, Sony Music Publishing Germany, Ninja Tune and Just Isn't Music. Fink release new album Beauty In Your Wake on July 5th, and are on tour throughout 2024... check website for details... ⁠⁠⁠
May 14, 2024
43 min
FINK S2, E2: The Power Of NO
Episode 2 sees the Fink chaps consider that most powerful of artist tools... the ability to say NO to things. Listen as Fin, Guy and Tim weigh up the right times to employ the NO bomb, and the times to compromise, including discussions of outstanding examples of the form by such luminaries as Kate Bush, Radiohead and Ben Howard. Artwork by from an original photo by Tommy N Lance. Edited by Tim Thornton. Original music appears courtesy R'COUP'D/Sony Music Publishing Germany. Fink release new album Beauty In Your Wake on July 5th, and are on tour throughout 2024... check website for details... ⁠⁠
May 3, 2024
45 min
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