The Femsplainers Podcast Podcast

The Femsplainers Podcast

It’s the gossipy, smart, witty conversation you’d have if all of your girlfriends (and some of your guy friends too!) were experts on the hot topics of the moment. High spirited and high minded, we don’t argue or whine but seek to get to the heart of the matter, over cocktails (or wine).
Last Call for The Femsplainers: It's Our Final Episode!
After nearly four years and more than 150 podcasts, we've decided to shut down the bar. Original c-splainer Christina Hoff Sommers joins Danielle for reminiscences of favorite episodes and guests, how their views and politics have evolved, and what they'll do next. Cheers, everyone
Jan 18, 2022
1 hr 22 min
The Mistakes We Make Ruling on Human Nature: A Judge Speaks Out
From bitter custody battles to killer teens to the psychotic homeless, retired California Supreme Court Judge LaDoris Cordell has seen it all. She shares many of her more alarming stories and tells Danielle how our justice system can do better.
Jan 11, 2022
1 hr 12 min
How to Transform Your Sex Life
The Femsplainers are on holiday so we are re-posting some of our favorite episodes: Whether you are 18 or 85, there's no reason you shouldn't be having great sex, says Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, director of the largest sexual health center in the country. She dispels many myths about female sexuality and offers practical tips from her new book "Sex Points" -- while Danielle tries hard not to blush.
Jan 4, 2022
1 hr 27 min
Is There Still Sex in the City?
The Femsplainers are on holiday so we are re-posting some of our favorite episodes: This week, Candace Bushnell, the bestselling author and creator of Sex & the City, regales Christina & Danielle with stories of the wilds and lows of dating after fifty, including getting naked and "cubbing."
Dec 28, 2021
1 hr 28 min
It's Our Holiday Party! With Some of Our Favorite Guests...
Danielle hosts a holiday party with Christina Hoff Sommers, Molly Jong Fast, and Sandra Tsing Loh ... who brought along a can of gelatinous salmon loaf. Who doesn't love canned gelatinous salmon loaf?! Pour us another drink -- and see you in the New Year!
Dec 21, 2021
57 min
All I Want for Christmas Is You: Facing the Holidays When You’ve Lost Someone
Just as the number of pandemic-related deaths is receding, the number of gun-related deaths is rising. Summer Geimar's mother was killed trying to rescue her colleagues during the attack on the Annapolis Capital Gazette; Sari Kauffamn survived the Parkland, FL shooting but lost friends. The two young women share their stories with Danielle in the hope they might serve as a Ghost of Christmas Future warning to us all. PLUS: Pastor Lorenzo Neal, who's own mother was murdered when he was 5, offers hope and counsel to everyone who is grieving through the holidays.
Dec 14, 2021
1 hr 34 min
When Women Abuse Men: It's Real So Why Don't We Talk About It?
Therapist and author Ann Silvers, who specializes in the domestic abuse of men, reveals to Danielle that it's more widespread than you think. And it's not just physical. PLUS: Andrew Sullivan and Christina Hoff Sommers join for a cocktail (and a blunt) up top, in a snippet from the Femsplainers' recent appearance on the Weekly Dish.
Dec 7, 2021
50 min
Capote's Women: The High Society "Swans" He Loved and Betrayed
Babe Paley, CZ Guest, Lee Radziwill -- these wealthy, beautiful socialites defined an era and shared a friend in celebrated writer Truman Capote. Bestselling author Laurence Leamer takes us into their world and tells Danielle how Capote ultimately revealed its shallow brutality. PLUS: It's THAT time of the month for listener feedback!
Nov 30, 2021
1 hr 13 min
Becoming Bari Weiss: Was She Always This Way?
In an intimate and far-ranging conversation with Danielle, the former NYTs editorial writer describes her journey from nerdy Jewish girl to major thought leader. PLUS The Atlantic's David Frum joins up top to talk turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 23, 2021
1 hr 22 min
The Great Resignation: Why Are Women Not Going Back to Work Post-Pandemic?
Nearly 1.8 million women have dropped out of the labor force since 2020. Danielle speaks to two business leaders, including Delivering Happiness' CEO Jenn Lim, about WHY they don't want to return -- and what businesses (and women themselves) can do to seize this moment of reckoning to improve their lives.
Nov 16, 2021
1 hr 32 min
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