The Evolving Activist Podcast
The Evolving Activist
Lorrin Maughan: Gestalt Coach and Activist
Interview with Wendy Linton - Chalktivist - episode of The Evolving Activist podcast

Interview with Wendy Linton - Chalktivist

55 minutes Posted Oct 30, 2020 at 8:28 pm.
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Wendy Linton is an anti-oppression activist, whose vegan activism is part of a larger focus on liberation and justice for ALL bodies, both human and nonhuman. Her evolution as an activist has seen her through the obligatory "angry activist" phase to a place of compassion and love. One of her favorite forms of activism is to create beautiful messages in public spaces, using chalk (also known as chalktivism) - she finds people are craving positive and loving messages in these times of division and outrage, and she finds her creative expression nurtures her own spirit while spreading messages of compassion for animals. In today's conversation, hear about Wendy's activism journey, why she believes animal, human, and environmental justice are not separate issues, how she nourishes her soul through her activism, and why holding on to a positive vision for the future is so important for activists. See some of Wendy's lovely chalktivism on Facebook - (or if you're in the Seattle area, you might find her at various places around Greenlake, Ballard and the shores of Lake Washington!) Interested in trying chalktivism? Pick up some sidewalk chalk at your local Target, Fred Meyer, or online, then check out the Vegan Chalk Challenge Facebook page and get inspired!