The Evolving Activist Podcast
The Evolving Activist
Lorrin Maughan: Gestalt Coach and Activist
I CRIED AT THE SUPERMARKET TODAY - episode of The Evolving Activist podcast


11 minutes Posted Mar 26, 2020 at 3:31 am.
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Everybody is talking about the "new normal" - as if any of us know what that is. Nothing feels any kind of normal right now, for a lot of people - and that's scary.

The truth is, even when we choose change; even when change is a good thing, we're still losing something to move forward. And when that change is thrust upon us; when we're not given any say in the loss, it feels somehow bigger.

Are you grieving the losses you're experiencing right now? The cancelled trips and outings and gatherings; the loss of normalcy, security, income, predictability? The dreams put on hold or shelved forever?

We can't heal if we don't grieve. How are you allowing yourself to mourn these losses?