The Everyday Sniper
The Everyday Sniper
Frank Galli
The Everyday Sniper Episode 191 Fundamental Breakdown, Elements vs FoM
44 minutes Posted Aug 15, 2019 at 4:10 pm.
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The Everyday Sniper Episode 191 Fundamental Breakdown, Elements vs FoM

I was looking over some old military marksmanship manuals, not so much for the mistakes, but to see where things evolved from the Elements of a good shooting position to the fundamentals of marksmanship.  And in thinking about the different techniques we use for shooting the various disciplines we engage in, how the fundamentals and the elements of a good position apply. 

We can free recoil a rifle and still engage in the fundamentals of marksmanship.  We can also buy a hit by using the weapon system to balance our position and mask some of the errors induced by our poor fundamentals.  As an example, a heavy class benchrest shooter can do a lot to eliminate as much as the shooter as possible.  Others attempt to do the same thing in the field.  Get a system or supporting device that masks the shooters or minimizes their influence on the shot.  It's a practical exercise to look at each of these fundamentals and what we can do to minimize their influence using the gear.  

It really comes down to education, knowing what fundamental controls what and how the rifle system marries to that fundamental.  I talk Accuracy and Precision, we all know the rifle system can have a bearing on both.  As will the shooter and his or her fundamentals when it comes to executing the firing task.  

Hopefully, this episode of the Everyday Sniper makes you think about all there elements.  

Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing thanks for being a part of the Everday Sniper. 

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