The Essential Oil Revolution - Health, Purpose, and Aromatherapy
The Essential Oil Revolution - Health, Purpose, and Aromatherapy
Dr. Sarah LoBisco
411: Kids, Teens, and Mental Health: What Every Parent/Practitioner Should Know about Their Child’s Gut-Brain Connection with Integrative Pediatrician Dr. Elisa Song, MD
1 hour 8 minutes Posted Apr 22, 2024 at 9:00 pm.
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What You’ll Learn:

  • The current, concerning statistics of our kid’s state of health (1 min)
  • Dr. Song’s bio (2 min)
  • An overview of Dr. Song’s new book (6 min)
  • How the gut-brain link and microbiome are related to children’s mental health issues (7 min)
  • What are psychobiotics and how that relates to the gut-brain link (9.50 min)
  • What is the difference between microbiota and the microbiome (11.30 min) 
  • Why the microbiome is the hub for better mental health and solving chronic health problems (16 min)
  • How antibiotics can have a long-term impact on kids’ health due to microbial disruption (17 min)
  • What is the single, most immediate microbial mischief maker and why (19 min)
  • Symptoms that are outside of the gut that are really gut-centric (22 min)
  • Some common, daily microbiome disruptors in our world (23 min)
  • How reading food labels can be a powerful tool to help our kids physical and mental health (26 min)
  • The most significant disruptor to our kids’ microbiomes (29.30 min)
  • The vicious cycle of mental health issues and stress related to the gut-brain link (30 min)
  • The important question to ask your doctor to determine if your child needs an antibiotic (32 min)
  • How to restore your child’s microbiome if an antibiotic is needed (36 min)
  • Should you take probiotics with antibiotics? (37 min)
  • Why managing the stress response is the “best medicine” for a healthy gut-brain link and microbiome (41 min)
  • Why we need to do “Vagus Nerve Work” (43 min)
  • Some essential oils for supporting the vagus nerve and a healthy microbiome (47.30 min)
  • A deep breathing exercise that is convenient and can engage the vagus nerve (50 min) 
  • A DIY hack on how kids can use essential oils in school (52 min)
  • How essential oils support the microbiome and overall health (53 min)
  • What essential oil eradicated pathogens, enhanced microbiome diversity, and healed leaky gut in an animal study (54 min)
  • How supporting the gut-brain may help with anxiety and other emotional issues (55 min)
  • The three other “microbiome magic” ingredients for kids and adults (59 min)
  • Closing thoughts (1.03 min)

Bio of Dr. Elisa Song, MD 

Dr. Elisa Song, MD is an internationally acclaimed Stanford-, NYU-, UCSF-trained integrative pediatrician, brilliant pediatric functional medicine expert, formulator, lecturer, educator, children’s health advocate, and author. She earned a master’s degree in public policy from UC Berkeley, is board-certified in pediatrics and holistic medicine, and is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Song has also been trained in the Defeat Autism Now! biomedical approach to autism and has additional expertise in functional medicine/holistic nutrition, homeopathy & homeopathic detoxification, acupuncture, herbal medicine, essential oils, and flower essences.

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