In this episode, I’m speaking with public health professor and environmental health scientist Dr. Yogi Hendlin about the corruption of science. Unfortunately, it’s easy to be unaware of this critically important issue that negatively influences your and your family's health.
This is a must-listen podcast—the information presented by Dr. Hendlin profoundly affects us all.
This podcast was initially released in April 2022
In this podcast, Dr. Hendlin and I discuss:
The critical difference between REAL science vs. industry-funded science
The sad fact that despite countless real-world examples of how corruption and scientific fraud cause massive harm, many people are still unaware of these issues
How big industry buys the science and bribes their way to credibility by compromising the integrity of “independent” 3rd-party institutions
How many industries secretly manipulate government officials to influence their regulatory processes with money, resources, or power
Just how corrupt is science? And how to spot a study that might provide you with disinformation instead of trusted facts
What are industrial epidemics, and how might they negatively affect ALL of us?
Examples of overt corruption from companies like ExxonMobil and Glaxo-Smith-Kline who put pressure on scientists
The terrible danger of hubris in officials who make policies based on industry-funded, fraudulent, and manipulated science
What can we learn from the continued use of glyphosate despite the clear danger of disease that it poses?
What can we do to restore the integrity of the scientific process, which is now corrupted by conflicting interests, funding, political interests, and confirmation bias?
Dr. Hendlin’s 3 most vital takeaways if we’re going to protect our loved ones, our communities, and the planet