In this week's episode of the End of Innocence, we continue to take a look at the Jim Garrison investigation of Clay Shaw in a conspiracy to murder President Kennedy. Shaw has been arrested and now the wait for the trial is on. Garrison would find himself being attacked by the national media during the time between the arrest of Shaw and the start of the trial. But he would fight back and even made an appearance on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
Feb 21
52 min
In this week's episode of the end of innocence, we continue to look at the Jim Garrison investigation into the murder of President John F. Kennedy. Just as Garrison's star witness, David Ferry is murdered, a new name arises in the investigation, Perry Raymond Russo. What Russo says he saw and heard in the month's leading up to the investigation is shocking. But can he be trusted?
Feb 14
35 min
This week we continue to look at the Jim Garrison investigation into the murder of President Kennedy. While Garrison was trying to get to the bottom of what happened in Dallas that awful day, the government was trying to destroy not only his case but Garrison himself.
Feb 7
39 min
In this week's episode we continue our series of episodes on the Jim Garrison investigation. While some have labeled Jim Garrison as a fraud and a crazy man, this researcher labels him as a true hero in a story that is desperate for a hero.
Jan 31
23 min
In what will be a several-episode series, we will start looking at the only man to ever prosecute anyone for the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This week we start looking at the Jim Garrison investigation. His investigation was the basis for the 1991 Oliver Stone movie, JFK and one day I think history will finally reveal that he got much closer to the truth of what happened in Dallas than the Warren Commission did.
Jan 24
44 min
In this week's episode we will look at Lee Oswald's mysterious time in New Orleans in the Summer of 1963, just a few short months before the assassination. Who was Guy Bannister and David Ferrie and what kind of role could they have played in the assassination? Was Oswald there playing a role and if so, WHY?
Jan 18
24 min
In this final episode of the Zapruder film, we will look at what the Warren Commission says the film told them versus what researchers and investigators believe the film shows. Why did the Warren Commission almost ignore the evidence from the film of the President's murder? Did it not fit into their official story?
Dec 21, 2023
25 min
This will be the first of several episodes on what would become the most important home movie in the history of our country. Of course, we are talking about the Zapruder film. This week we discuss how the Zapruder film came into being and how it almost never existed at all.
Dec 13, 2023
33 min
In this week's episode of The End of Innocence - The JFK Assassination, we take a look at Michael and Ruth Paine. Ruth would play a key role in the life of Lee and Marina Oswald, maybe more of a role than she's willing to admit.
Dec 7, 2023
26 min
Could J. Edgar Hoover have corroborated in late November of 1963 what Ex-Secret Service Agent Paul Landis is now saying in 2023? Could the "magic" bullet have been exactly where Landis said he found it?
Nov 29, 2023
21 min
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