Father and son Adam and Aubrey Dawson are thru hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2019. We sat down to discuss how they are able to make that dream become a eality. Graduating high school early as well as stepping away from a federal government position to set off on this adventure with his son.
May 5, 2019
1 hr 29 min

Matt Dobson is an Appalachian Trail class of 2016 thru hiker. He's currently planning his 2019 CDT thru hike. Including his gear and on trail expenses Matt spent $3300 to thru hike. What a budgetter!
Mar 11, 2019
1 hr 27 min

Alan Goodwin and Ben Everett are both Appalachian Trail class of 2016 thru hikers. I hiked most of my thru hike with one of both of them at any given moment. We discuss long distance hiking, how it has affected us, returning to "society" and our future plans.
Mar 4, 2019
1 hr 57 min

Jeff Coats is a well respected waterfowl guide, decoy carver. He is part of the Drakes Migration Nation. He also operates an offshore fishing guide service outside of Ocean City on his boat The Bad Influence. He's a true sportsman with an incredible journey leading to his 20th year as a full time guide in 2019. He is currently in the midst of his #PitbossXX giveaway with thousands of dollars in prizes include a dream 2 day hunt with him for sea ducks. He's very active on Instagram and has a great Youtube Channel as well. His creativity comes out in all of his videos and stories.
Feb 24, 2019
1 hr 51 min

In this episode I lay out some best practices for those of you preparing for your first thru hike. I discuss things that worked for me and things that didn't. This will help you to more efficiently prepare for the Appalachian Trail or Pacific Crest Trail
Jan 15, 2019
1 hr 5 min

Rob Reddinger is a runner living in Baltimore. We went to high school together after which he travelled around the country for 6 years playnig in a band and living out of their van. He since got married, moved to Baltimore. After a fortunate misdiagnosis he quit smoking and took up running. He recently ran his third marathon.
Dec 16, 2018
2 hr 33 min

Kevin and Nhandi AKA Space Jam and Sea Lion are Pacific Crest Trail thru hikers in the class of 2018. I sat down with them to discuss their long distance hike and future plans for Colorado adventures.
Dec 6, 2018
1 hr 48 min

After a chance Instagram encounter Craig Fowler stopped by to hang out with me. He's the only known Thru Hiking Tripler Crowner that's also a Bikepacking Triple Crowner. We talk about hiking, biking, living and the One of Seven Project.
Nov 27, 2018
2 hr 3 min

In this episode I sit down with my friend John Brennan aka Johnny Stache. We hiked hundreds of miles together after meeting during our PCT thru hikes in 2018. He recently completed Vermonts Long Trail and is going to attempt to set the Florida Trail Fastest Known Time!
Nov 26, 2018
1 hr 18 min

After completing my Pacific Crest Trail thru hike I sat down and recorded a recap of how I successfully did my resupply boxes. Mostly thanks to Elyse. This will help you plan resupply boxes for your own long distance hike
Nov 23, 2018
55 min
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