amit mehta
This series is about looking at the mirror and saying "Yes I want to get out of mediocrity". While it is not a crime if you are unaware about something, however, knowing and then staying complacent is surely one! The purpose of our lives is to be happy, one which can only be achieved once we pull ourselves out of Mediocrity. Life is way too short to fall in the deep dark hole of mediocre thinking. Let's together explore how we can ignite our soul to a better life!
Today we talk about "THINGS" which will bring "US" into the spot light! The consumers. The middle class consumers. Who are shown a dream in every flashy advertisement and are lured to buy them and part with their hard earned money. Our money. Only to realize that instead of fulfilling our dream we are actually doing it for the manufacturer!  So we take loans and more loans to keep buying these things just like a guinea pig is stuck in the maze without an exit! You and I, We need to understand today the making of this trap and how to keep away from it as much as we can. Let's pick up the THINGS which we have bought and ask a simple question "For how long this did give me the feeling of happiness?" . We will get the answer almost instantly and then it will be easier to understand this episode as you listen to it! See you on the other side! --- Send in a voice message:
May 11, 2022
11 min
This episode from THE DYING ART OF MEDIOCRITY talks about Instant Gratification and the perils attached to being pulled in it's trap. The path which seems easy and satisfying initially is paved with thorns as you move further on it! No pain No gain is true entirely! By staying true to your goals, your journey becomes bearable and inspire you to overcome all the hurdles which might come in your way!  Let's together walk this journey , one which is tough & treacherous, for a few steps and test our waters!  Ultimately the choice is ours, life is ours and happiness will be ours! See you on the other side!  --- Send in a voice message:
Apr 22, 2022
3 min
In this episode of THE DYING ART OF MEDIOCRITY we walk towards another mile! One more mile of being aware of our present and walking towards a better one! In all our miles we are actually living in the present. Never in the past or in the future. Let's walk this mile hand in hand and make it count, in not just letter but in spirit as well!  See you on the other side!  --- Send in a voice message:
Apr 22, 2022
4 min
Today we look time with focus and patience, so as not to be left behind or walk ahead of it! but to walk hand in hand with it. While this does not deal directly with mediocrity, it sure can become a solid tool to recognize the traits in us which are leading us towards mediocrity and making us mediocre beings. This tool can be used to elevate us to the position of a genuine human being and give us happiness, which is the purpose of every being. Whatever we do in life, the sole purpose is to be happy. No one wants to be sad or in anguish.  Hence this tool called time is very precious and can make us live in this present moment. Once we know our present, we begin to observe everything inside it. Our observation gives us the power and choice of what all to adapt and what to forgo. We can make a conscious choice!  So let's give this episode the attention and importance it deserves and find a true change in yourself soon! See you on the other side!  --- Send in a voice message:
Apr 20, 2022
6 min
This episode, like all others, is a product of my own experience while being a part of a huge multi national company. This company focused immensely on ethics and integrity. For me this code of conduct, to work with integrity, was written in blood and I followed it painstakingly! However, as much as I was surprised, I was fairly shocked too when I found out the extent to which ethics was compromised at all levels which were directly in contact with the suppliers! This I got know when I left the company!  I had big dreams and to do bigger things in life and used to fret at my low income and high expenses. I had, at all times, a chance to make big sums by compromising my conscience and the company credibility! However, it never struck me to stoop so low.  The old adage cannot be more true - "We are what we do, when we are alone" and unless we are true to ourselves there is a meek chance to ever come out of mediocrity!  Those who indulge in bribery, at any level, and for any amount, and if nudged get furious, can still mend their ways & shed this stinking cloak!  There might just be a little hope for you. Might!    --- Send in a voice message:
Apr 19, 2022
6 min
This part is called MANY LIVES SYNDROME. Mediocrity is in fact flourishing rather than dying and the title in itself throws a generous amount of sarcasm on this "let's keep it under the carpet" subject! Our crime is not of remaining in the shadows of mediocrity but to not try and come out of it once we know our existing state. The state of mediocrity. It's not a crime if your are unaware but once you become aware then there is no running away! You have to face your demons.  These episodes touch upon various such demons which exist in all of us. We all know what is to be done in order to get rid of them but just don't seem to care. We accept living our lives miserably and keep running after the materialistic while never realizing the true purpose of this precious life! The purpose of being Happy, one which we can never achieve unless we pull ourselves out of mediocrity. Even the act of realizing this and making an effort will begin your journey towards your purpose!  No one is this world, by choice, wants to remain unhappy. Even the most unruly, ruthless people want to remain happy. The ones with material wealth or without even a piece a bread a day. All of them want happiness. And ironically all the steps they take, good or bad, are towards achieving this person!  A thief steals because the outcome of his act will give him happiness. Let's say he steals bread because he is hungry. To be able to survive another day he needs bread. The point is that he wants to survive another day, in the hope of happiness. Let's look at all these episodes as looking at a mirror with truthful eyes! “Deep down, beneath the layers of masks, we all know who we are.” “The entire eco system has been designed to make you stay there, in Mediocrity and to remain being Mediocre”. These podcasts will have many sweet candies, you will enjoy, but there will be antibiotics too, which you have to promise to swallow with seriousness!! Best of Life !   --- Send in a voice message:
Apr 18, 2022
5 min