The Durenda Wilson Podcast
The Durenda Wilson Podcast
Durenda Wilson
Grace for a Mom's Heart Psalm 7 (Podcast 87)
11 minutes Posted Sep 30, 2019 at 4:23 pm.
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Welcome to Grace for a Mom's Heart, a short devotional created especially for moms who want to grow in their understanding of God's Word and it's applications for motherhood!

Today we are spending time in Psalm 7. Now that we have made it this far into the Psalms, are you recognizing some consistent themes? Lamenting, asking for protection, affirming God’s kingship, and praise. Are you seeing how real the psalmists are, as they cry out to God? This is such an encouragement to me that I can tell God anything. I don’t have to wait until I’ve got it together and I don’t have to word it perfectly.

Last week, I was feeling a lot of pressure and somewhat overwhelmed as we prepared for our son’s wedding that was happening in our backyard. I woke up during the night and realized I was just plain ANGRY. I wasn’t mad at anyone in particular, but as I verbalized my anger to God, I realized I was actually mad at Him.

My good girl side would say that I should never be mad at God for lots of good, true reasons: He is good, perfect, sovereign, always has my best interest in mind, etc. But I was beyond being reasoned with. I was just done. I’d come to the end of myself and in that moment, I was reminded that I could literally tell God everything I was feeling and He would not hold it against me. He most certainly had broad enough shoulders to handle it. So I had my little hissy fit while He quietly listened. I eventually fell back asleep and as I opened my eyes the next morning, there was a sense of relief. 

I felt like a toddler who just needed to blow off my frustration and take a good nap. It seems as though there will always be a little girl inside of me who needs her Daddy. He really is the perfect Daddy and we really need to let Him be that to us.

Psalm 7 was written by David and as I read through it, I was reminded of some basic truths that we can take with us to anchor us today. (To read the rest of the devotional, please go to