Mordiggian is the god of Zul-Bha-Sair. And "The Charnel God" is one of Smith's best stories. Join us for fits of near death, necromancy, and hot ghoul action.
Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Readings by Joe Scalora.
Outro music by Boney Washington.
Jun 22, 2016
41 min
Join us this week as we go on “The Voyage of King Eurovan Euvoran”
Justine Jones joins us on this episode. Justine will be illustrating a Clark Ashton Smith zine for Mike Bukowski’s Seventh Church Ministries. Look for that around October. Find Justine’s art on her Tumblr:, her Illustration site:, and on her Instagram: @tean_witch. Buy her awesome Dark Souls t-shirt, too!
Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Readings by B B Wolfe.
Mar 30, 2016
58 min
Happy 2016! Phil’s been working on filming of Laird Barron’s “-30-“, Tim’s been working on writing projects, and Ruth’s been doing some writing and hunting for a new job (success, yay). But we’ve got an episode for you, recorded in the fall but stuck on the editing table, “The Isle of the Torturers.”
Our reading this week is Raychel A. Wagner.
Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Outro by Tyler Crook.
Jan 27, 2016
50 min
When these necromantic bros set out on a post-apocalyptic tour, they stumble into a kingdom nobody's using... for now.
Jul 22, 2015
47 min
Maal Dweb, bored of his stone women and limitless power, decides to explore a growing planet of his solar system.
Apr 1, 2015
46 min
We’re back this week with the first of the Maal Dweb stories “The Maze of the Enchanter.”
This week’s reader is Jordan Smith. The episode of This American Life mentioned is this one’s section vocal fry.
Our next show will be “The Flower Women.” From there, we’ll move on to Zothique!
Music: Kevin MacLeod
Outro: Boney Washington
Mar 18, 2015
44 min
As Tim said in our last post, it has been a rough/busy/awesome year for your faithful podcasters. But we’ve got “Vulthoom” for you and we’re scheduling more recording times. Here’s to getting back on schedule in 2015!
We’ll be doing Maal Dweb and Zothique after this.
Our reader this week is Jordan Smith.
Music: Kevin MacLeod
Outro: Boney Washington
Jan 20, 2015
45 min
Yes, we are back with "The Dweller in the Gulf" and have recorded an episode for "Vulthoom" as well!
Where were we? Well...a lot of places. Phil was making a movie and Ruth was hunting for a job. But now Ruth has a job, Phil's got a lot done on the movie, and Tim's taken on the task of editing again. Funny enough, this episode was recorded a while back, but Tim ran into some editing difficulties.
Jun 22, 2014
40 min
Join us as we follow intrepid archaeologists into the Martian vaults of Yoh-Vombis to discover what killed off an ancient civilization. Music by Kevin MacLeod. Reader: Jordan Smith
Mar 12, 2014
42 min
When a mysterious space craft lands in a football stadium, no one on Earth could predict what happens next...nor what type of being they'd encounter.
Feb 5, 2014
44 min
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