The Digital Transformers || Orr Hameiri & Romi Davidor Podcast

The Digital Transformers || Orr Hameiri & Romi Davidor

Od Podcast Network
The Digital Transformers is a podcast for and about those who drive innovation in large corporations. We cover the processes, methodologies, and challenges that all innovation leaders encounter on their journey to create a significant impact within their organizations. We interview leaders in large corporations who are in charge of innovation - those who collaborate with startups, deal with global business units, harness both senior and middle management, and share their experience throughout their personal journey. (*) Please note the first 10 episodes were recorded in Hebrew.
E10 - Amit Ran, Innovation Director at Stanley Black & Decker
How do you innovate measuring tape, a product that was invented in 1829 and hasn’tchanged much since? To answer this and many other questions, we hosted Amit Ran,Innovation Director at industrial tools giant Stanley Black & Decker. We chatted aboutsmall changes that make a big impact, driving innovation in change-averse industries,relationships with business units, and managing a successful handover.See for privacy information.
Jul 7, 2022
38 min
E09 - Noa Franko-Ohana, Innovation Group Manager at Seagate
The exponential growth of big data is somewhat difficult to perceive. Current estimatespredict the world will generate 175 zettabytes (that's 21 zeros!) of data a year by 2025.But where is all this data stored? And how does innovation play into all of this? In thisepisode, we hosted Noa Franko-Ohana, Innovation Group Manager at SeagateTechnology, the world's leading digital storage devices maker. We spoke about the roleof innovation in digital-native companies, successful collaborations, current and futurechallenges, and how to create a meaningful impact through innovation.See for privacy information.
Apr 28, 2022
36 min
E08 - Amy Cohen-Dagan, Global Innovation Manager at AB InBev
In this episode we hosted Amy Cohen-Dagan from AB InBev, the world's largest brewer.We discussed what innovation looks like in the beer industry, what makes partnershipswith startups succeed or fail, deep-dived into the focus areas of their global innovationteam, and much more.See for privacy information.
Mar 17, 2022
32 min
E07 - Ofir Bronhaim, Head of Innovation at DSV
When the supply chain industry faced unprecedented disruption caused by the globalpandemic, innovation became even more crucial. As DSV - Global Transport andLogistics is one of the world's largest supply chain companies, it was natural to inviteOfir Bronhaim, it's Head of Innovation, to discuss how the largest supply chaincompanies in the world are adapting to this new reality and how innovation plays asignificant role in the transformation of their industry (spoiler alert: it goes far beyonddrones).See for privacy information.
Feb 22, 2022
38 min
E06 – Dikla Wagner, Head of Tech Scouting at Munich Re
Embedded Insurance, insurance on-demand, and cyber-insurance are some of the latesttrends in the insurance industry. In a conversation with Dikla Wagner, Head of TechScouting at Munich Re (one of the largest reinsurers in the world), we discussed thesetrends as well as the approach of traditional insurers to the ever-growing number ofinsurtech companies.See for privacy information.
Feb 1, 2022
34 min
E05 - Shay Cohen, Chief Innovation Officer at Tnuva
The future of FoodTech; the tension between innovation and business results; how doesa 100-year-old company keep innovating; and the importance of trust in order toaccelerate growth. These are some of the topics we talked about with Shay Cohen, ChiefInnovation Officer at Tnuva, the largest food producer in Israel, as well as a leader in thefield of alternative dairy and protein products.See for privacy information.
Jan 11, 2022
35 min
E04 - Shachaf Snir, Director of Internal Innovation Clalit Health Services
In this episode we hosted Shachaf Snir, Director of Internal Innovation Clalit HealthServices - the largest HMO in Israel. We talked about how innovation can affect the livesof millions of patients, about the differences of running innovation in digitally-nativecompanies vs. traditional companies, what does it mean to execute internal innovationat a company with 47,000 employees, and more.See for privacy information.
Dec 21, 2021
43 min
E03 - Oded Lavie, VP Innovation at Publicis Groupe
In this episode we hosted Oded Lavie, VP Innovation at Publicis Groupe - one of thelargest advertising companies in the world. We talked about the role of innovation inthe advertising field, the different types of innovation (Sustaining, Evolutionary andDisruptive), the complexity of running innovation in a large multinational, and a lotmore.See for privacy information.
Dec 9, 2021
51 min
E02 - Hadar Pode, Director at Porsche Digital
In this episode we hosted Hadar Pode, Director at Porsche Digital. We talked about theautonomous vehicle revolution, car as a service, sustainability & circular economy, thetype of startups that attract the car industry, and what it’s like to run an innovation hubwhen the company’s HQ is abroad.See for privacy information.
Nov 23, 2021
54 min
E01 - David Balsar, General Manager Innovation & Ventures at Mekorot
In this episode we hosted David Balsar from Mekorot, the government-owned waterinfrastructure company of Israel. We discussed the challenges of leading innovation in agovernment-owned infrastructures company, the ways in which the success ofinnovation managers can be measured, the tension between startup nation andimplementation nation, and the risks and opportunities Mekorot faces today, which canbe solved through innovation.See for privacy information.
Nov 2, 2021
39 min