What you need to know about Web3 and blockchain technologies such as NFTs, dVPN, and IPFS, and how they will impact digital resilience
Dec 18, 2021
39 min

How much privacy is enough? This is a question a lot of privacy advocates are asking. In this epiode I present a new five-layer privacy framework to help you decide how much privacy you need in different circumstances.
Aug 15, 2021
24 min

How do you stay digitally resilient when traveling and away from home? As we prepare to cautiously start traveling again, today I'm going to cover what everyday carry (EDC) gear you might consider having in your backpack to ensure you are digitally resilient wherever you are.
Jun 13, 2021
32 min

In this episode we explore everything to do with protecting your images and videos. Do you know how to keep them safe and secure? What could images you post on social media reveal about you? Answers in this show.
May 30, 2021
24 min

Today we are looking at technologies that are not Internet connected, or that allow you to function without using the Internet. This includes various forms of radio, mesh networks, and ways to store and access files without the Internet.
Apr 4, 2021
23 min

Wecome to the gear episode. Today we are going to geek out and talk about digital resilience gear, and some carefully thought out recommendations for equipment you might consider buying if you have a bit of money left over from your stimulus check (for US listeners).
Mar 14, 2021
22 min

How do you decide what the priorities are for your digital resilience? How much resilience is enough? How many backups do you need? How much privacy do you need? Today I describe a way to make those decisions through a process called Threat Modeling
Mar 7, 2021
17 min

We have a really special show for you today. We are joined by Rakesh Bharania, a worldwide expert in rebuilding technology after a disaster, to talk about the situation in Texas, cascading infrastructure failures, and what you can do to prepare yourself and your community for infrastructure failure.
Feb 26, 2021
38 min

We all depend on multiple online services every day for basic life functions such as shopping, doing our taxes, having meetings. But how do we know if these services are digitally resilient? In this episode we are going to be talking about how to evaluate online services for our four dimensions of digital reilience: reliability and redundancy, sercurity, privacy and control, and how to have a robust digital resilience strategy for using online services.
Feb 20, 2021
24 min

You have probably all seen the the hilarious viral video where a lawyer in an online court on Zoom appears as a cat avatar. This is the latest of a long list of embarrasing things that have happened when people have inadvertently crossed over different parts of their lives, in this instance presumably letting a kid use their work computer. In this episode, we talk about compartmentalization, and how it can increase your digital resilience by keeping different parts of your life separate.
Feb 11, 2021
17 min
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